5 Things You Should Never Ever Google

3 Dec 2023

We all know that Google is a powerful search engine that can help us find almost anything we want. But sometimes, curiosity can get the better of us and we end up googling things that we shouldn’t. Some of these things can be disturbing, disgusting, dangerous, or even illegal. In this article, I will tell you about the 5 things you should never ever google and why they can be harmful to your mental and physical health. 🚫🔎

1. Your Symptoms

One of the most common things that people google is their symptoms when they feel sick or have some health issues. While it is good to be aware of your own body and health, googling your symptoms can lead to unnecessary anxiety and stress.

Photo by - Tero Vesalainen

Unverified medical information 🩺

When it comes to your health, it’s important to rely on reputable sources and consult with medical professionals. Googling your symptoms or self-diagnosing can lead to misinformation, confusion, and unnecessary stress. You might end up finding the worst-case scenarios or rare diseases that have nothing to do with your condition. You might also miss the signs of a serious illness that requires immediate attention. Instead of googling your health issues, it’s better to visit a doctor or use a trusted online health service.

❇️This is because:

  • Google can show you a lot of results that are not relevant or accurate for your condition. For example, if you have a headache, Google might suggest that you have a brain tumor, a stroke, or a rare disease. This can make you panic and worry about something that is not true.
  • Google can not diagnose your condition or prescribe you the best treatment. Only a qualified medical professional can do that after examining you and conducting some tests. Google can not take into account your medical history, your lifestyle, your allergies, or your other symptoms. Relying on Google for self-diagnosis and self-treatment can be dangerous and even life-threatening.
  • Google can not replace a doctor’s visit. If you have a serious or persistent symptom, you should always consult a doctor as soon as possible. Delaying or avoiding a doctor’s visit can worsen your condition and cause more complications. Google can not give you the proper care and attention that you need.

Therefore, instead of googling your symptoms, you should always seek professional medical advice from a doctor or a nurse. They can give you the correct diagnosis and the best treatment for your condition. They can also reassure you and calm you down if you are worried or scared. Remember, Google is not a doctor and it can not replace a doctor’s visit.

😒📌Question: Have you ever googled your symptoms and regretted it later? How did it make you feel? Share your experience with us in the comments section below. 👇

2. Anything Illegal

Illegal activities 🚫

Searching for information on illegal activities such as hacking, drug production, or any other criminal acts is not only unethical but can also potentially put you in legal trouble. You might think that you are just curious, but your search history can be tracked and used as evidence against you.

Photo by - triloks

📌For example-

  • In 2013, a Suffolk County man Googled “pressure cooker bombs” and “backpacks” from his work computer. Then the police showed up at his house. The police determined the man was just curious, not criminal, but he probably regrets those searches to this day.

Dangerous or harmful activities 💥

Avoid searching for instructions or information on dangerous or harmful activities that could endanger yourself or others. This includes topics such as making explosives, and weapons or engaging in risky behaviors like self-harm or extreme diets. Not only are these activities illegal or unhealthy, but they can also backfire and cause serious injuries or death.

📌For example-

  • in 2017, an MIT researcher Googled “insider trading in an international account” before allegedly purchasing large amounts of stock3. He was arrested and charged with three fraud counts. If you are feeling bored, curious, or adventurous, there are many safer and more productive ways to spend your time online.

So another thing that you should never Google is do anything illegal. This includes things like drugs, weapons, hacking, piracy, terrorism, violence, or any other criminal activity.

❇️This is because:

  • Google can track your online activity and store your search history. This means that anyone who has access to your device or your account can see what you have googled and when. This can expose your personal information and your interests to others who might use it against you or harm you.
  • Google can report your online activity to the authorities if they suspect that you are involved in or planning to commit any illegal activity. This can lead to legal consequences and penalties such as fines, arrests, or imprisonment. Google can also cooperate with the authorities and provide them with your personal information and your search history as evidence. This can ruin your reputation and your future prospects.
  • Google can expose you to harmful and malicious content that can damage your device or your data. This includes things like viruses, malware, spyware, phishing, or ransomware. These can infect your device or your account and steal your information, lock your files, or demand money from you. Google can also expose you to disturbing and graphic content that can traumatize you or affect your mental health.

Therefore, instead of googling anything illegal, you should always follow the law and the rules of the society. They are there to protect you and others from harm and danger. They are also there to ensure peace and order in the world. Remember, Google is not a lawyer and it can not protect you from legal consequences. ⚖️

😒📌Question: Have you ever googled anything illegal and got into trouble later? How did it affect you? Share your story with us in the comments section below. 👇

3. Personal and sensitive information 🔐

Never search for your own personal and sensitive information, such as your social security number, credit card details, or passwords. You might think that you are just checking or verifying something, but you are actually exposing yourself to hackers, scammers, and identity thieves. Your personal and sensitive information can be intercepted, stolen, or leaked by malicious websites or software. Once your information is compromised, you can face financial losses, fraud, or blackmail. To protect yourself, always use secure and encrypted websites and services, and never share your personal and sensitive information online.

Photo by- Perawit Boonchu

Your Name

Another thing that you should never Google is your name. This might sound surprising, but googling your name can have some negative effects on you.

❇️This is because:

  • Google can show you a lot of results that are not related to you or that are outdated. For example, you might find someone else who has the same name as you, or you might find some old information that is no longer relevant or accurate. This can confuse you and make you doubt your identity and your achievements.
  • Google can show you some results that are negative or embarrassing. For example, you might find some bad reviews, some negative comments, some unflattering photos, or some personal details that you don’t want to share with the public. This can hurt your feelings and damage your self-esteem and your reputation.
  • Google can show you some results that are false or misleading. For example, you might find some fake profiles, some scam websites, some phishing emails, or some identity theft attempts that use your name or your information. This can endanger your security and your privacy and cause you financial or emotional losses.

Therefore, instead of googling your name, you should always be careful and selective about what you share online and who you share it with. You should also update and delete your online accounts and profiles regularly and use strong passwords and security settings. You should also monitor and report any suspicious or fraudulent activity that involves your name or your information. Remember, Google is not a friend and it can not protect you from online threats. 🔒

😒📌Question: Have you ever googled your name and found something surprising or shocking? How did it affect you? Share your experience with us in the comments section below. 👇

4. Your Ex

Another thing that you should never ever google is your ex. This might sound tempting, but googling your ex can have some negative effects on you.

❇️This is because:

  • Google can show you some results that are painful or upsetting. For example, you might find some photos, some posts, some updates, or some news about your ex that remind you of your past relationship and your breakup. This can make you feel sad, angry, jealous, or regretful.
  • Google can show you some results that are unrealistic or misleading. For example, you might find some information that suggests that your ex is happier, better, or more successful without you. This can make you feel insecure, inferior, or inadequate.
  • Google can show you some results that are tempting or addictive. For example, you might find some links, some contacts, some messages, or some invitations from your ex that make you want to reconnect with them or get back together with them. This can make you lose your focus, your direction, or your progress.

Therefore, instead of googling your ex, you should always move on and focus on yourself and your future. You should also avoid any contact or communication with your ex and block or delete them from your online platforms. You should also seek support and guidance from your friends, your family, or a professional if you are struggling to cope with your breakup. Remember, Google is not a therapist and it can not heal your broken heart. 💔

😒📌Question: Have you ever googled your ex and found something that made you happy or unhappy? How did it affect you? Share your experience with us in the comments section below. 👇

5. Graphic or disturbing content 😱

Deliberately searching for graphic or disturbing content can lead to traumatizing experiences. Some things are so horrifying that you can’t unsee them, and they can haunt you for a long time. For example, if you search for “mouth larva”, you will find pictures of humans and other animals with larvae crawling between their teeth. You will also find videos of people removing parasitic, flesh-eating botfly maggots from under their skin. These images and videos can cause nausea, disgust, anxiety, and nightmares.

Anything Scary

Another thing that you should never ever google is anything scary. This includes things like horror movies, creepy stories, haunted places, paranormal phenomena, or anything else that can frighten you or give you nightmares.

Photo by- Zinkevych

❇️This is because:

  • Google can show you some results that are disturbing or terrifying. For example, you might find some images, some videos, some sounds, or some descriptions that can shock you, disgust you, or haunt you. This can make you feel scared, anxious, or paranoid.
  • Google can show you some results that are harmful or dangerous. For example, you might find some links, some downloads, some games, or some challenges that can harm you, your device, or your data. This can make you vulnerable, exposed, or infected.
  • Google can show you some results that are addictive or obsessive. For example, you might find some information, some clues, some mysteries, or some conspiracies that can intrigue you, fascinate you or consume you. This can make you curious, obsessed, or addicted.

Therefore, instead of googling anything scary, you should always limit your exposure and your consumption of scary content. You should also balance your online activity with some offline activity and some positive and uplifting content. You should also seek help and advice from someone you trust or a professional if you are affected by any scary content. Remember, Google is not a friend and it can not protect you from scary things. 😱

😒📌Question: Have you ever googled anything scary and found something that made you scream or laugh? How did it affect you? Share your experience with us in the comments section below. 👇


Google is a great tool that can help us find a lot of useful and interesting information. But it can also show us some things that we should never ever google. Some things are better left unknown, unsearched, or ungoogled. Things can be harmful to our mental and physical health and can cause us a lot of problems and troubles. Therefore, we should always be careful and responsible when we use Google and avoid googling the 5 things that we mentioned in this article. Remember that individual preferences and sensitivities may vary, so it’s important to exercise your own judgment and use Google responsibly when searching for information. Happy googling!

I hope that this article was helpful and informative for you and that you learned something new today. Thank you for reading and happy googling! 😊

😒📌Question: What are some other things that you think we should never ever google and why? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below. 👇

📌Originally posted on - medium

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