The End of an Era - Bulb's Failures

15 Feb 2024

I joined the system with great excitement and started writing articles on Bulb.
At first, it was really exciting.
I was earning points and thought I was making a difference for people.
But then things started to change.

Tasks weren't being completed even i completed (like i read a great article and comment on it several times but doesn't count) and there was very low interaction.
I followed the leaderboard every day to see what the top 10 were doing, and that's where I think the ridiculous chain of events begins.

How can these leaders get 300 points for an article? I compared what they wrote to what I wrote, and if they get 300 points, my writing should get 1300 points.
I looked at the engagement of their articles, and it was around 20-30, which isn't much. Somehow, Bulb favors some people more, and I didn't like that at all.

Bulb is completely over for me at this point.

I'm deleting all my articles from the system, it doesn't make sense for them to be here.
I don't think you should bother with this platform either, it's not worth it.

Waiting for you in my website: Pundliq Blog
Don't stay here.!
Be safe, Be Well...

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