Mother sauces are the five basic sauces in classical French cuisine that serve as the foundation for many other sauces. These sauces are the starting point for many derivative sauces, which are made by adding different ingredients to the mother sauces. In this article, we will discuss the five mother sauces and their derivatives.
Béchamel Sauce:
Béchamel sauce is a smooth, creamy sauce made from butter, flour, and milk. It is often used as a base for soufflés, gratins, and lasagna. Béchamel sauce can also be used as a base for other sauces, such as Mornay sauce, which is made by adding cheese to the sauce.
Espagnole Sauce:
Espagnole sauce is a rich, brown sauce made from beef stock, onions, carrots, celery, tomatoes, and a mixture of herbs and spices. This sauce is typically used as a base for other sauces, such as Demi-glace, which is made by reducing the sauce and adding additional seasonings.
Velouté Sauce:
Velouté sauce is a light, velvety sauce made from chicken, fish, or veal stock, and a roux made from butter and flour. This sauce is often used as a base for other sauces, such as mushroom or lobster sauce.
Tomate Sauce:
Tomate sauce is a simple sauce made from ripe tomatoes, garlic, and herbs. It is often used as a base for pasta sauces, such as marinara sauce, or as a base for dishes such as ratatouille or shakshuka.
Hollandaise Sauce:
Hollandaise sauce is an emulsified sauce made from butter, lemon juice, and egg yolks. It is often used as a topping for vegetables, eggs Benedict, or steak.
Derivative sauces are made by adding ingredients to the mother sauces to create new flavors. Here are some of the most common derivatives of each mother sauce:
Béchamel Sauce Derivatives:
a. Mornay Sauce: Made by adding grated cheese to the béchamel sauce.
b. Mustard Sauce: Made by adding mustard to the béchamel sauce.
c. Nantua Sauce: Made by adding crayfish butter to the béchamel sauce.
Espagnole Sauce Derivatives:
a. Demi-glace: Made by reducing the espagnole sauce and adding additional seasonings.
b. Chateaubriand Sauce: Made by adding red wine, shallots, and tarragon to the demi-glace.
Velouté Sauce Derivatives:
a. Mushroom Sauce: Made by adding sautéed mushrooms to the velouté sauce.
b. Lobster Sauce: Made by adding cooked lobster meat to the velouté sauce.
Tomate Sauce Derivatives:
a. Marinara Sauce: Made by adding garlic, onions, and basil to the tomate sauce.
b. Puttanesca Sauce: Made by adding capers, olives, and anchovies to the tomate sauce.
Hollandaise Sauce Derivatives:
a. Béarnaise Sauce: Made by adding tarragon, shallots, and white wine vinegar to the hollandaise sauce.
b. Choron Sauce: Made by adding tomato paste to the hollandaise sauce.
In conclusion, mother sauces are the foundation for many derivative sauces in classical French cuisine.
So this was some of the mother sauces, out of which we can create 100s of others sauces from it....