Types and Importance of Cryptocurrency Wallets

25 Jan 2024

What is a Cryptocurrency Wallet?

A cryptocurrency wallet is where users store the private key that shows which crypto assets they own, allows them to manage their cryptocurrency addresses, and is used to digitally sign transactions. There are different types of wallets that offer different features for different needs of users. There can be more than one cryptocurrency in a cryptocurrency wallet.

For more detailed information about cryptocurrencies,  What is Cryptocurrency? What are the Features of Cryptocurrencies?  You can access it from the article.

What are the Types of Cryptocurrency Wallets?

Cryptocurrency wallets are divided into different types according to the needs of the users. This has enabled users to be offered multiple options regarding cryptocurrency wallet types. Users choose the wallet type that suits them to store their cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency trading platforms also offer cryptocurrency wallet services to users. Users can store their cryptocurrencies on the cryptocurrency trading platforms on which they trade. Users who want to store their cryptocurrency assets outside of cryptocurrency trading platforms; It can protect its assets in wallet types such as mobile wallets, web wallets, hardware wallets.

Hot Wallets

Mobile application, web and desktop wallets are classified as hot wallets because they have internet connections.

Hot wallets are types of wallets that run on internet-connected devices and can be accessed online. These wallets generally provide ease of use, but are more risky in terms of security because they are connected to the internet and can potentially be subject to hacker attacks. Here are some examples of hot wallets:

  1. Mobile Wallets: Wallets that can be accessed through applications running on mobile devices. It allows users to manage their cryptocurrencies via their mobile phones or tablets.
  2. Desktop Wallets: These are the types of wallets that can be accessed through software running on computers. Desktop wallets generally provide users with more control and flexibility to manage their crypto assets.
  3. Web Based Wallets: These are online wallets that can be accessed through internet browsers. These types of wallets are generally easy to use, but it is important to be careful about security.
  4. Exchange Wallets: Wallets used in cryptocurrency exchanges. Users store their cryptocurrencies through their exchange accounts. However, it is generally not a recommended practice for storing large amounts of assets.

These types of hot wallets can be chosen to suit different use cases and preferences. However, from a security perspective, turning to cold wallets is generally considered a safer option for storing large amounts of crypto assets.

Cold Wallets

Cold wallets are physical wallets without an internet connection where you can treat your Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like a quarter of gold you keep under your pillow. The most secure and widely used cold wallets are hardware wallets. Cold wallets, which store your private keys that enable you to manage your cryptocurrency assets in encrypted chips that do not have access to the internet, are easily portable physical devices that you can connect to your computer or phone when needed.

Cold wallets are types of wallets that do not have an internet connection or are used in a limited way. These wallets are preferred to protect against online attacks and store crypto assets more securely. Here are some examples of cold wallets:

  1. Hardware Wallets: Wallets that are stored on a physical device and connected to a computer, usually via a USB connection. Hardware wallets provide a more secure environment for internet access by keeping private keys on the device. Popular hardware wallet brands include Ledger, Trezor and KeepKey.
  2. Paper Wallets: Physical documents where crypto keys are stored in written or printed form. Paper wallets, where the private key is usually printed in the form of a QR code, can be stored safely in an environment without an internet connection. However, it is important that paper wallets are physically protected and stored in a safe place.
  3. Air Gap Wallets: Wallets that run on a computer or hardware device without internet access. These types of wallets provide an environment where the private key is stored without ever connecting to the internet.

Cold wallets are generally preferred for storing large amounts of crypto assets or for long-term custody. Because they are not constantly connected to the internet like online wallets, they are more resistant to online attacks. However, they may be a little more limited in terms of ease of use and speed than hot wallets. Ideally, users can use hot wallets for day-to-day trading while opting for cold wallets for storing large amounts of crypto assets.

How Does a Cryptocurrency Wallet Work?

Instead of storing the money itself, cryptocurrency wallets contain public keys (addresses) and private keys that prove ownership of these keys and carry out transactions by communicating with the blockchain. When a user sends Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency, they are actually signing and transferring ownership of the cryptocurrencies at one or more addresses in their wallet to the recipient. In order to spend these cryptocurrencies or use your crypto assets, the private key stored in your wallet must match the address where the cryptocurrency is located. In other words, even if the address is registered in your wallet, if the private key of that address is not in your wallet, you cannot spend the cryptocurrency at that address.

Why Are Cryptocurrency Wallets Important?

Cryptocurrency wallets are an important part of using crypto assets held by users. Each user may have a different perspective on storing their cryptocurrencies. The differentiation of cryptocurrency wallets allows each user to store their cryptocurrencies as they wish. Cryptocurrency wallets are important because they store users' cryptocurrencies and enable cryptocurrency transfers.

Popular Mobile Cryptocurrency Wallets

You can download and try the mobile cryptocurrency wallets listed below by application name for free from Android and iOS application markets. Before sending cryptocurrency to these wallets, we recommend that you make sure to back up the wallets' keywords (seed). If you are going to make a transaction for the first time, making small transfers will reduce possible risks.


The company, which previously provided blockchain explorer services at blockchain.info, started to provide wallet services in recent years. It is possible to access the wallet you will create at Blockchain.com  via both a web browser and a mobile application. Thanks to the seed you backed up when creating the wallet, you can move your Bitcoin addresses and cryptocurrencies to other wallets whenever you want. The Blockchain wallet, where you can make Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Stellar Lumens transactions, has additional options such as application login security, adding addresses from other wallets, and account recovery. Even though the user does not have access to the private key, the fact that the company stores the private keys online may force the wallet owner making the transaction to trust a 3rd party intermediary. You can download Android and iOS versions from application markets.


The application, which was first published as a Bitcoin wallet under the name Bread Wallet, first changed its name to BreadApp and started to support Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and ERC20 tokens along with Bitcoin. The BRD application, where the user has private key control, is open source and offered free of charge. The application, which has won the appreciation of users with its simple and easy-to-use interface, application login and transfer security, can now be downloaded from iOS and Android application markets under the name BRD.


Coinomi, which supports many cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, BitcoinSV, Dash, Digibyte, Dogecoin, Ethereum and ERC20 tokens, is one of the wallets that offers the most cryptocurrency hosting options and can be used on both desktop and mobile devices. You can try the Android and iOS versions of the wallet that gives the seed to the user by downloading them from the application markets.


Airbitz, one of the mobile wallets that changed its name, continues to serve users under the name Edge. You can download and try the Android and iOS versions from application markets.

Jaxx Liberty

You can trade with Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Bitcoin Cash, EOS, Litecoin and more than 85 crypto assets in the Jaxx Liberty wallet, which can be used as a desktop, mobile application and browser add-on. You can download the Android and iOS versions of the application from application markets.


Mycelium mobile wallet, which is sufficient for the needs of experienced users, provides Bitcoin to iOS users; It allows Android users to send and receive Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash and keep full control. If you wish, you can transfer your addresses and cryptocurrencies to another wallet with the seed of the wallet. The biggest disadvantage of the Mycelium application, which also offers the feature of importing private keys of paper wallets, is that it does not have password protection.

You can download and try all of these applications on your mobile device for free. If you decide to use any one or more applications as your cryptocurrency wallet, you should make sure to back up the seed (keywords). Applications verify the seed you saved, but taking into account the possibility of making a mistake when choosing words, you can restore the wallet with your keywords by deleting the application and reinstalling it after taking note of a Bitcoin address after the backup. If you can see the Bitcoin address you noted before in the wallet, it means that you have fully backed up your keywords. Don't forget to backup your keywords more than once and set a password on the mobile wallet app. After installing a mobile wallet on your smart device, we recommend that you make sure that your smartphone's screen lock is active for your security.

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