Lagos' Delima: Inadequate Drainage and Continuous Rainfall Worsen Flooding

4 Jul 2024

Lagos' Delima: Inadequate Drainage and Continuous Rainfall Worsen Flooding


Lagos, Nigeria's bustling economic hub, faces a perennial challenge that intensifies each rainy season: severe flooding. This year's situation is notably worse due to continuous rainfall over several days, resulting in widespread disruption and damage.

Image from Vanguard News

A Season of Unending Rain and Rising Waters

Lagos has experienced relentless rainfall for three consecutive days, leading to substantial flooding across the city. The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) reported that over 151 houses in Alimosho Local Government Area alone were submerged. Key areas affected include Oke Ishagun, Isale Aboru, Ikola Community, Olubodun Majiyagbe – Ajayi, Makinde Street, Olokowo Street, and Adeola Street. This has displaced many residents and disrupted daily activities [[❞]]( [[❞]](

Impact on Transportation and Daily Life

The floods have severely impacted transportation, leaving many commuters stranded. Major roads such as the Lekki-Epe Expressway, the Trade Fair and Abule-Ado axis of the Badagry Expressway, and parts of the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway were submerged. Traffic congestion has worsened, with motorists forced to take alternative routes. This has led to significant delays and increased transportation costs, with fares on some routes tripling [[❞]]( [[❞]](

Image from Vanguard News

In addition to road traffic woes, the floods have also affected markets and residential areas. For instance, Agege Market saw significant damage to traders' goods, and makeshift structures were destroyed in various parts of the city. In the Lekki area, flooding forced residents to wade through deep waters, while in the Ojo area, commercial activities came to a standstill as shops were inundated [[❞]]( [[❞]](

The Role of Inadequate Drainage Systems

A primary cause of the flooding is Lagos' inadequate drainage system. Many drainage channels are clogged with waste, preventing effective water flow during heavy rains. This blockage leads to rapid water accumulation and subsequent flooding. Residents and environmental advocates have repeatedly called on the government to improve drainage infrastructure and enforce regulations against illegal dumping and construction that obstructs water channels [[❞]]( [[❞]]

The Human Toll

Beyond infrastructural damage, the human toll is evident. Reports indicated that two people were feared dead in the Orile-Agege area after their vehicles were swept away by the floodwaters. Emergency services have been overwhelmed, responding to numerous distress calls and conducting rescue operations across the city. An elderly woman suffering from a stroke had to be rescued from her flooded home in Ipaja, illustrating the dire situations faced by vulnerable populations.

Image from The star

Government and Community Responses

In response to the flooding, government agencies like NEMA and the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) have been active in rescue and relief efforts. The state government has urged residents to clear blocked drainage systems and adhere to safety measures to mitigate flood risks. Community leaders and residents are also encouraged to participate in cleaning and maintaining drainage channels to prevent future blockages [[❞]]( [[❞]].

The Broader Implications of Climate Change

The recurring flooding in Lagos highlights the broader issue of climate change. Increased rainfall intensity and frequency are attributed to global climatic shifts, exacerbating the vulnerability of cities like Lagos. Experts emphasize the need for comprehensive urban planning and climate adaptation strategies to enhance resilience against such natural disasters. This includes building and maintaining effective drainage systems, implementing stringent waste management policies, and ensuring that urban development projects consider environmental sustainability [[❞]](


The flooding crisis in Lagos is a multifaceted problem requiring immediate and long-term solutions. While emergency responses are crucial, there is an urgent need for sustainable infrastructural and policy changes to address the root causes of flooding. By improving drainage systems, enforcing environmental regulations, and adopting climate-resilient practices, Lagos can better prepare for future rainy seasons and protect its residents from the devastating impacts of flooding.


1. Vanguard News. "151 houses, 7 communities submerged in Lagos flood." February 2024. [Vanguard News](
2. Punch Newspapers. "Residents groan as downpour leaves Lagos flooded, properties destroyed." July 2024. [Punch Newspapers](
3. Punch Metro. "Rainfall: Lagos residents lament flooding, transport fare hike." July 2024. [Punch Metro](

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