European Union to investigate Apple

25 Jun 2024

US-based technology company Apple is under investigation by the EU.

The European Union (EU) accused technology company Apple of violating Union technology rules with its App Store applications and opened a new investigation into the company.

The EU Commission announced that Apple has been officially notified of the investigation opened under the Digital Markets Act (DMA) on the grounds that the App Store rules prevent app developers.

In the statement, it was reminded that developers who distribute their applications through the App Store should be able to inform their customers about alternative and cheaper purchasing options free of charge and direct them to these offers, and applications should be given the opportunity to be purchased under EU law.

Apple has fallen short in this area, the statement said, adding that the company's terms governing its relationship with app developers, including the App Store's referral rules, do not meet the criteria set out in EU rules.

The statement noted that the EU Commission has launched a new investigation into Apple over new contractual requirements for third-party app developers and app stores, including a basic technology fee.

"Apple's new slogan should be 'act differently'," EU Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton said on his social media account.

"Apple has been squeezing innovative companies for too long and not offering consumers new opportunities and choices," Breton said, adding that they have taken additional steps to ensure that the AppStore and iOS are compatible with the DMA.

Under EU technology rules, big companies like Apple and digital platforms are subject to stricter rules. Companies that violate EU digital laws can be fined up to 10 percent of their global turnover.

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