3 Jun 2024

The day before, I came across another Yescoin bot - they call themselves the 'Real Yescoin'.
It was a shocker really, because their updates made me indeed question the legitness of the Yescoin I know (And I connected my wallet to the app, after all.)

[ You may wish to join the White Yescoin here (in case of any incasible airdrop), but be encouraged to simply do it as a past time and not give any vital information to them. Click here ]

You guys may or may not have heard about the confusions of which Yescoin is real or fake. Well, I was contemplating giving an update on Medium or on the Telegram channel after my thorough research and I finally decided now.


The crypto world is a fascinating and dynamic space, filled with both legitimate opportunities and potential scams. Recently, a Telegram mining app called Yescoin has captured the attention of many, promising free coins in exchange for interacting with a bot. The allure is strong: collect Yescoins now, and once the coin launches on major platforms like Binance, you can cash in and make money. However, as with any investment, not all that glitters is gold. Let's dive into the details and help you discern the real Yescoin from the fake.

The Promise of Yescoin

Yescoin's concept is straightforward: users interact with a Telegram bot, perform simple tasks, and receive free Yescoins in return. The promise is that these coins will eventually be listed on popular exchanges, allowing early adopters to profit once trading begins. The simplicity and potential for high returns have drawn in a significant number of users.
Now, There are Two Versions: Legitimate vs. Scam
Here’s the catch: there are two versions of the Yescoin bot—one legitimate and the other, likely a scam. Let’s explore how to tell them apart:

1. Yellow Yescoin (The Real Deal)

- Launch Timeline: The yellow Yescoin bot was the first to launch. As the pioneer, it set the standard for what Yescoin represents. Early adopters are likely already familiar with this version, making it the more credible choice.
- Social Media Presence: The team behind the yellow Yescoin acted swiftly to establish their social media presence, particularly on Twitter. They secured the handle @Yescoin first, demonstrating their proactive approach to building a community and providing updates.
- Professionalism and Operation: The yellow bot operates with a high degree of professionalism. From user interactions to the quality of communications, it's clear that a dedicated and experienced team is behind this project.
- Telegram Channel: The yellow Yescoin channel continues to thrive, with active engagement and a growing user base.

Join Telegram Channel for updates
Join Telegram Group for follow-up, questions and inquiries.

2. White Yescoin (The Imitation)

- Launch Timeline: The white Yescoin bot appeared later, riding on the coattails of the yellow bot's success. Its later appearance raises suspicions for those seeking the original and legitimate Yescoin.
Social Media Presence: The white bot attempted to mimic the original but created a less active and less credible social media presence. This reactive strategy highlights its illegitimacy.
- Professionalism and Operation: The operations of the white bot are less polished. Users have reported inconsistencies and unprofessional behavior, typical of scam operations trying to exploit genuine interest in a legitimate project.
- Telegram Channel: Telegram took action against the white bot's channel, deleting it due to suspicions of fraudulent activity. This move by Telegram itself is a clear indicator of the white bot's illegitimacy.

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