Dark Night 🌃

15 Feb 2023

It was Christmas Eve today. Natalie was moving as quickly as she could with her tiny steps. Her boot has a hole in it and a tear under the toe. She was aware and automatically stepped on the moment the icy road's cold touch contacted her toes. Mother had sent her to market with boxes of cards even now. Nobody felt like buying boxes today. They seemed to be getting tired of the holiday spirit. Natalie had the impression that everyone in the world was joyful and energetic today. She couldn't recall ever seeing so many happy people when she was so young. As soon as someone asked her to buy a card, she would forget the icy touch under her thumb.

She had walked for a while. She took a seat on the sidewalk in front of a store selling glazed glass. She peered through the window. A white-bearded Santa Claus was perched on a platform in the middle. There were numerous boxes covered in vibrant paper in his trunk. There were a lot of cute little newborns dozing off. The stockings were hung with colourful boxes that were stored by Santa. The surroundings were lovely. What is being requested, exactly? Natalie made an effort to recall the good things she was aware of. Natalie was mindful. Yesterday, she found something for each of her siblings in their stockings. Her sock was vacant though. Sandra remarked that the present she received may have gotten lost in that gap. She turned to stare at the stairwell's candles. She started to recognise each of her siblings' faces in each candle. Finally, she recalled the expression on her stepmother's face. The cold caused her teeth to rattle. She fali with difficulty and went on. Prior to her, an automobile came to a stop. She was touched by the driver of the car. She sprinted off. She made an effort to withdraw the wallet with her icily fingers. The man started smoking. From the automobile, she overheard laughter. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree was being brought out by kids who were a little older than she was. When the kids in the neighbouring house saw them, they came racing out. One peeked into the large box. Natalie's heart pumped faster. Such a large, lovely cake! She believed we belonged to that group of kids. She was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she forgot to put the money in her pocket.

Natalie strolled by herself, grumbling, down the sparsely populated street. Her white face appeared crimson. Large, blue eyes were momentarily shutting. On the back, thick hair and wavy brows spread like feathers. But she had stopped focusing on her attractiveness. The din of the feast could be heard in the homes. The dining room's decorated tables were visible from the windows. Glass shattering noises could be heard. Where to discuss when there were firework sounds. However, Natalie didn't give it much thought. Walking in her own voice, she
She noticed a reddish-orange flame glowing in the fireplace in the living room of a house. Her hands and feet suddenly became frozen. She was seated. The boxes in the bag were in her memory. She fought to conceal the face of her mother. He ignited a stick. held in a bear hug. Aha! Another was started by boredom. After finishing the third box, she started to feel quite fashionable. She recognised the face of her birth mother in a reddish-yellow flame. As kind and loving as she had hoped. She was giving Natalie a tender glance. She kept lighting a number of cauldrons so she wouldn't lose sight of that face. One comes after the next, then the next after that, then the next after that, and so on.

Lacking packets She had never seen the face of her own mother. Her grandmother's face was the one she saw as being the most caring. loving mother's eyes, with a really serene smile. Like soft butter, warm hands. Grandmother looked at Natalie while opening her arms. She had the cutest smile. Natalie imagined that they were wings that would carry her into the sky. She climbed into Grandma's belly, which was so cosy and protected. She received tender pats and hugs from Aji. Natalie was in a good mood. Everyone began to retreated gradually. Christmas, Santa Claus, and colourful lights The tree, the party-related odour, everything. Natalie no longer desired that. Her tummy growled with joy. She had only one thought: she was in her grandmother's arms, meeting her mother would be OK, and everything would be well. She would be well taken care of and adored by everyone. Someone claimed that a little girl was lying here, frozen as ice. She paid no heed to that, though. She was overjoyed and confident that her current state of happiness would last forever. It was Christmas Eve today. Natalie was moving as quickly as she could with her tiny steps. Her boot has a hole in it and a tear under the toe. She was aware and automatically stepped on the moment the icy road's cold touch contacted her toes. Mother had sent her to market with boxes of cards even now. Nobody felt like buying boxes today. They seemed to be getting tired of the holiday spirit. Natalie had the impression that everyone in the world was joyful and energetic today. She couldn't recall ever seeing so many happy people when she was so young. As soon as someone asked her to buy a card, she would forget the icy touch under her thumb.

She had walked for a while. She took a seat on the sidewalk in front of a store selling glazed glass. She peered through the window. A white-bearded Santa Claus was perched on a platform in the middle. There were numerous boxes covered in vibrant paper in his trunk. There were a lot of cute little newborns dozing off. The stockings were hung with colourful boxes that were stored by Santa. The surroundings were lovely. What is being requested, exactly? Natalie made an effort to recall the good things she was aware of. Natalie was mindful. Yesterday, she found something for each of her siblings in their stockings. Her sock was vacant though. Sandra remarked that the present she received may have gotten lost in that gap. She turned to stare at the stairwell's candles. She started to recognise each of her siblings' faces in each candle. Finally, she recalled the expression on her stepmother's face. The cold caused her teeth to rattle. She fali with difficulty and went on. Prior to her, an automobile came to a stop. She was touched by the driver of the car. She sprinted off. She made an effort to withdraw the wallet with her icily fingers. The man started smoking. From the automobile, she overheard laughter. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree was being brought out by kids who were a little older than she was. When the kids in the neighbouring house saw them, they came racing out. One peeked into the large box. Natalie's heart pumped faster. Such a large, lovely cake! She believed we belonged to that group of kids. She was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she forgot to put the money in her pocket.

Natalie strolled by herself, grumbling, down the sparsely populated street. Her white face appeared crimson. Large, blue eyes were momentarily shutting. On the back, thick hair and wavy brows spread like feathers. But she had stopped focusing on her attractiveness. The din of the feast could be heard in the homes. The dining room's decorated tables were visible from the windows. Glass shattering noises could be heard. Where to discuss when there were firework sounds. However, Natalie didn't give it much thought. Walking in her own voice, she
She noticed a reddish-orange flame glowing in the fireplace in the living room of a house. Her hands and feet suddenly became frozen. She was seated. The boxes in the bag were in her memory. She fought to conceal the face of her mother. He ignited a stick. held in a bear hug. Aha! Another was started by boredom. After finishing the third box, she started to feel quite fashionable. She recognised the face of her birth mother in a reddish-yellow flame. As kind and loving as she had hoped. She was giving Natalie a tender glance. She kept lighting a number of cauldrons so she wouldn't lose sight of that face. One comes after the next, then the next after that, then the next after that, and so on.

Lacking packets She had never seen the face of her own mother. Her grandmother's face was the one she saw as being the most caring. loving mother's eyes, with a really serene smile. Like soft butter, warm hands. Grandmother looked at Natalie while opening her arms. She had the cutest smile. Natalie imagined that they were wings that would carry her into the sky. She climbed into Grandma's belly, which was so cosy and protected. She received tender pats and hugs from Aji. Natalie was in a good mood. Everyone began to retreated gradually. Christmas, Santa Claus, and colourful lights The tree, the party-related odour, everything. Natalie no longer desired that. Her tummy growled with joy. She had only one thought: she was in her grandmother's arms, meeting her mother would be OK, and everything would be well. She would be well taken care of and adored by everyone. Someone claimed that a little girl was lying here, frozen as ice. She paid no heed to that, though. She was overjoyed and confident that her current state of happiness would last forever. It was Christmas Eve today. Natalie was moving as quickly as she could with her tiny steps. Her boot has a hole in it and a tear under the toe. She was aware and automatically stepped on the moment the icy road's cold touch contacted her toes. Mother had sent her to market with boxes of cards even now. Nobody felt like buying boxes today. They seemed to be getting tired of the holiday spirit. Natalie had the impression that everyone in the world was joyful and energetic today. She couldn't recall ever seeing so many happy people when she was so young. As soon as someone asked her to buy a card, she would forget the icy touch under her thumb.

She had walked for a while. She took a seat on the sidewalk in front of a store selling glazed glass. She peered through the window. A white-bearded Santa Claus was perched on a platform in the middle. There were numerous boxes covered in vibrant paper in his trunk. There were a lot of cute little newborns dozing off. The stockings were hung with colourful boxes that were stored by Santa. The surroundings were lovely. What is being requested, exactly? Natalie made an effort to recall the good things she was aware of. Natalie was mindful. Yesterday, she found something for each of her siblings in their stockings. Her sock was vacant though. Sandra remarked that the present she received may have gotten lost in that gap. She turned to stare at the stairwell's candles. She started to recognise each of her siblings' faces in each candle. Finally, she recalled the expression on her stepmother's face. The cold caused her teeth to rattle. She fali with difficulty and went on. Prior to her, an automobile came to a stop. She was touched by the driver of the car. She sprinted off. She made an effort to withdraw the wallet with her icily fingers. The man started smoking. From the automobile, she overheard laughter. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree was being brought out by kids who were a little older than she was. When the kids in the neighbouring house saw them, they came racing out. One peeked into the large box. Natalie's heart pumped faster. Such a large, lovely cake! She believed we belonged to that group of kids. She was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she forgot to put the money in her pocket.

Natalie strolled by herself, grumbling, down the sparsely populated street. Her white face appeared crimson. Large, blue eyes were momentarily shutting. On the back, thick hair and wavy brows spread like feathers. But she had stopped focusing on her attractiveness. The din of the feast could be heard in the homes. The dining room's decorated tables were visible from the windows. Glass shattering noises could be heard. Where to discuss when there were firework sounds. However, Natalie didn't give it much thought. Walking in her own voice, she
She noticed a reddish-orange flame glowing in the fireplace in the living room of a house. Her hands and feet suddenly became frozen. She was seated. The boxes in the bag were in her memory. She fought to conceal the face of her mother. He ignited a stick. held in a bear hug. Aha! Another was started by boredom. After finishing the third box, she started to feel quite fashionable. She recognised the face of her birth mother in a reddish-yellow flame. As kind and loving as she had hoped. She was giving Natalie a tender glance. She kept lighting a number of cauldrons so she wouldn't lose sight of that face. One comes after the next, then the next after that, then the next after that, and so on.

Lacking packets She had never seen the face of her own mother. Her grandmother's face was the one she saw as being the most caring. loving mother's eyes, with a really serene smile. Like soft butter, warm hands. Grandmother looked at Natalie while opening her arms. She had the cutest smile. Natalie imagined that they were wings that would carry her into the sky. She climbed into Grandma's belly, which was so cosy and protected. She received tender pats and hugs from Aji. Natalie was in a good mood. Everyone began to retreated gradually. Christmas, Santa Claus, and colourful lights The tree, the party-related odour, everything. Natalie no longer desired that. Her tummy growled with joy. She had only one thought: she was in her grandmother's arms, meeting her mother would be OK, and everything would be well. She would be well taken care of and adored by everyone. Someone claimed that a little girl was lying here, frozen as ice. She paid no heed to that, though. She was overjoyed and confident that her current state of happiness would last forever. 

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