Join me at the ISACA GRC Conference in Austin

10 Aug 2024

The Mercury Risk and Compliance team will be at the ISACA GRC conference in Austin next week (Aug 12th -14th)

Cofounders Gavin Anthony Grounds and Grace Beason will be delivering an informative presentation "Revolutionizing Cyber and Technology Risk Management: A Value-based Practical Approach" on Aug 13th. 

This presentation is a practical discussion regarding methodologies and frameworks for cyber and technology risk management. (not a sales pitch!)

If you are at the event, come by our booth (212) or schedule a meeting with the team!
·        Schedule In-person 1:1 with Gavin Grounds
·        Schedule In-person 1:1 with Grace Beason
·        Schedule In-person meeting with Mercury's Executive Leadership Team

Allen Wuescher and I will also be at the conference, so be sure to come by for a chat!

I hope to see you all next week in Austin Texas!

Register for the conference here:

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