Make tempe more special this way!

5 Jan 2024

tempe is usually synonymous with cooking, frying or making it into scraps. Let's make something different every once in a while, ma'am, so that the dish is more interesting to eat. Check out the inspiration!

1. Made Steak

When talking about steak dishes, the basic ingredients generally used are beef or chicken. So, to make your dish more interesting, let's try making tempeh steak, Mom. Apart from being unique, the ingredients needed are also more affordable compared to the meat steak menu. In terms of texture, tempeh steak also resembles meat. To make it even more delicious, don't forget to serve it with steak sauce and add vegetables to complement the nutrition.

2. Make sandwiches or sandwiches

Recommendationdelicious cooking recipesThis one is very suitable to be served as a breakfast menu or snack. This menu can be a practical way to get children used to eating tempeh. The presentation is simple and doesn't take long. For example, to make Maggi Style Chicken Tempeh Sandwiches, you only need to steam the tempeh, then blend it with chicken meat, garlic, egg white and Maggi Sauce.Oyster. After that, shape the mixture like a patty , fry it, then arrange it with bread and vegetables. In a portion of Maggi Style Chicken Tempe Sandwich, there are various nutritional contents such as vegetable protein from tempeh, animal protein from chicken, carbohydrates from bread, and vitamins and minerals from vegetables. Complete, right?

3. Made satay

The next recommendation for tempeh creations is to make satay. So, to make satay that is different from usual, you can replace chicken or beef with tempeh. Apart from being cheaper, processing it is also more practical. If you follow the recipe for Maggi Style Tempeh Satay, you can simply marinate the tempeh with sweet soy sauce and Maggi Magic Delicious Chicken Flavor. Then, grill the tempeh and serve with complementary spices. Mother can serve tempe satay with warm white rice or lontong.

4. Combine with Bolognese Sauce

If your child doesn't want to eat rice, you can make spaghetti using tempeh and combine it with Bolognese sauce. If Bolognese sauce is usually combined with ground beef, you can replace the meat with tempeh which is cut into small cubes and fried first. This dish can also be a special dish when Mom's shopping budget is limited. The combination of sour and savory flavors from Bolognese sauce and Maggi Magic Delicious Chicken Flavor makes the tempeh pieces that Mom cooks more savory and delicious in a different way.

5. Cook Tempeh with Fruit

Maybe you are wondering, what does tempeh taste like cooked with fruit? So, if you try the Stir-fried Pineapple Tempeh recipe from Maggi, you can get a savory and fresh taste at the same time, you know. The savory, sour and sweet flavors in this dish are very suitable to be eaten with hot rice. Interesting right?

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