Cartoon vs Anime: What's the difference?
Cartoon vs Anime: What's the difference?
As an anime fan, if you were asked what you would shout from the top of Mount Everest, you would likely reply with the phrase "ANIME IS NOT CARTOON." This statement serves to emphasize the distinction between anime and cartoons, which are frequently confused as being the same thing
As an anime fan, if you were asked what you would shout from the top of Mount Everest, you would likely reply with the phrase "ANIME IS NOT CARTOON." This statement serves to emphasize the distinction between anime and cartoons, which are frequently confused as being the same thing. While there are certainly some similarities between these two forms of animated media, they have different roots, storytelling techniques, and target audiences. It is important to understand the differences between anime and cartoons in order to fully appreciate these distinct forms of animation.While there are certainly some similarities between these two forms of animated media, they have different roots, storytelling techniques, and target audiences.
So, what exactly distinguishes anime from cartoons? Here are some key differences that you can use to explain to your friends:
Origin and Evolution
Anime is characterized by its distinct art style, which features intricate backgrounds, and fluid animation. Anime is also known for its wide range of genres, which include action, romance, comedy, and more.
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To begin, let's define anime. Anime is a style of Japanese animation that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. Over time, anime has evolved into a distinct form of animation with its own unique style and storytelling conventions. Anime is characterized by its distinct art style, which features intricate backgrounds, and fluid animation. Anime is also known for its wide range of genres, which include action, romance, comedy, and more.
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Unlike anime, the art style of cartoons is less exaggerated and more simplified, and its animation is often choppy and less fluid.
Cartoons, on the other hand, have their roots in Western animation. Cartoons originated in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and were initially created for comedic purposes. Over time, cartoons have evolved into a versatile form of animation that can encompass a wide range of genres and storytelling styles. Unlike anime, the art style of cartoons is less exaggerated and more simplified, and its animation is often choppy and less fluid.
Target Audience
One of the key differences between anime and cartoons is the target audience. While anime can be enjoyed by viewers of all ages, it is typically geared towards a more mature audience and often deals with darker and more serious themes. Cartoons, on the other hand, are typically aimed at younger audiences and often feature light-hearted and humorous themes. This difference in target audience can be seen in the way that anime and cartoons are marketed and distributed. Anime is often marketed towards a mature audience and is frequently released as part of a series or a season, while cartoons are marketed towards a younger audience and are often released as standalone movies.
Story and Plotline
Another difference between anime and cartoons is the way that they tell their stories. Anime is known for its intricate and complex storytelling, which often features multiple plotlines and character arcs that are woven together to create a rich and immersive experience. Cartoons, on the other hand, are typically less complex and often rely on simple and straightforward storytelling. While this doesn't mean that cartoons are lacking in creativity or originality, it does mean that anime is often better suited to those who are looking for a more in-depth and complex viewing experience.
You can now confidently differentiate between anime and cartoons and explain it to your friends. Whether you prefer anime or cartoons, both provide a varied and immersive viewing experience that can enchant and delight viewers of any age.