26 Dec 2023

Education is an activity that carried out by someone to get knowledge of formal and non- formal education, in addition is also something important in social system. Education is become assessment of society against for someone. In education there are two types namely: formal and non-formal, formal education has been set up by the government, which is in education of an educator or better known as the teacher who has task in educating their students order to be able to carry out in learning process.

This process is very important in determining successful or whether learners, because a good education was in influence by ability which owned by the teachers. The assessment of teachers’ competence is divergent with other professionals. Mudyaharjo (2012) stated that education is a learning experience. Therefore, education can too determine as the overall learning experience of each person through. However, education is not in a certain age limit, but last throughout life education.

Teachers have a very important task in improving the quality of learning, so that the position, role and functions cannot be replaced with any facilities. Teachers must be present with the students carry out learning in the classroom. The role and function of teachers in the learning associated with as informatory, organizer, motivator, directors, transmitters, facilitators, mediators and evaluators.

Teachers are important in the structure of education without it education would be meaningless. Success in education processing of teachers and students to achieve learning process for students evaluate. Teachers should conceptually have the competence as a teacher. Teacher education has been divided into theory and practice. They are just improving theory and practice in teaching, the teachers not see competence. English teachers must have competence in education.

Teachers should develop their skills because it can be differences between teachers with another profession. Teachers must have changes their students’ character focused study in learning activity, especially for English teacher. English teacher must to be able in developing learning activity. It was difficult to be an English teacher because in English learning activity have several aspect that must to able in student, namely are listening comprehension, speaking ability, reading comprehension, and writing ability.

Nowadays, on 21st century had been using new curriculum named 2013 curriculum. The 2013 curriculum is considered sufficient to answer the demands of the times on education to produce graduates who are competitive, innovative, creative and collaborative as well as character. So, teacher have an important role in learning process.

Taniredja and Abduh (2016) stated that the quality of education is indicated by the quality of teachers. Ideally, teachers should have a good pedagogical competence as well as show their good personalities also. Good pedagogical competence can be examined from the teaching and learning process conducted by the teachers. Teaching and learning process should be suitable with the students’ condition and facilitated by an innovative teaching method.

Furthermore, English teachers must have competences based on as a professional teacher, the teacher should have competences namely are pedagogic competence, personal competence, professional competence and social competence. The quality of teaching competence plays an important role in the creation and establishment of the quality in learning process for students, and also shows the level of professionalism of teachers according to their field and can contribute in improving learning performance.

	Moreover, teacher should have competences because to become a teachers need skill and style in teaching learning activity. Competence is the basic of a personal characteristic that is the deciding factor in this success or failure of a person doing a job or in a particular situation. Competence as a basic characteristic of which consists of skills, knowledge and personal attributes for someone. Competence is very close and important for education to teachers. It can be improve performance use competences: pedagogical, personality, professional and social competence. 

Pedagogical competence is the ability to manage the learning of learners includes an understanding of learns, instructional design and implementation, evaluation of learning outcomes, and the development of learning to actualize their potential. Pedagogic competence is one of competences which is teachers needed. Pedagogic competence is the teachers’ way to manage students’ learning activities. Pedagogic competences have aspects with the indicators and it is not unexpectedly, it is found by learning as systematic such as from candidate teachers even has been a teachers’. Pedagogic supported by talent, interest, and potentials each others.

Sudrajat (2012) states that there is seven aspects of pedagogic competence that must be has for teachers. The first is identification students’ characteristics. The characteristics are physic, intellect, social, emotional, moral, and background of society of students. Secondly is can handle the learning strategy. It means, the teachers give a chance into students to handle teaching process by active and innovative. Thirdly is developing a curriculum, it means that teacher should good in administration of school then teacher can arrange syllabus based on curriculum. Fourthly is educated learning, it means that teachers can arranges a lesson plan that needed by students. Fifthly is to develop students’ potential, it means that the teacher can analyze about students’ ability. Sixthly is have good communication with students, it means that teacher gives more attention and to be a good listener with their students. Seventhly is evaluation, it means that the teachers can handle all of aspects. In addition, the seventh aspects of pedagogic competence must have by teachers.

Performance of teachers can be seen and measured based on the criteria competence that should be owned by teachers. Pertaining to performance of teachers, a form that behavior referred to is the teachers in learning which are how a teacher plan learning, implementing activities learning, and judge study results (Depdiknas, 2008). In the life of an organization there are several assumptions about human behavior as human resources underlying the importance of performance evaluation of teachers.

The assessment of the performance of teachers in substance is is a process of activities evaluation or testing systematically which contains about methods and audit procedure on the report in the performance of teachers run errands any profession as educators and to get the information objectively in all matters relating to asersi activities about events of competence educator (teachers) and determine the level of competence between asersi with the criteria that have been set and communicate the results to parties interested parties (Ngadirin Setiawan, 2007). Parties concerned among other things these are the internal a teacher , parties the institution of a school where teachers on duty, the user or society, and the the ministry of national education as well as the local.

The act of number 14/2005 on teachers and lecturers article 1 points 1 stated that: “Teachers are professional educators with the main task educate, teaching, guide, directing, train, judge, and evaluate school tuition in early childhood education, basic education, and secondary education”. Then article 8 stated that “Professional teachers must have academic qualifications minimum scholars or a diploma four, the competence of teachers (pedagogical, professional, social and personality), having a certificate, physical and spiritual health, as well as the ability to realize national education targets”.

Competence of teachers covering competence pedagogical, competence personality, social competence, professional competency. The fourth competence integrated in the performance of teachers. Of the four the competence that influences the performance teachers in class directly is competence pedagogical and competence professional. While, personal and social skills in Indonesia almost is growing autodidact in religious values. In this research focus on competence pedagogical and personality the result of these two competence the more influential in the classroom directly (Suyanto, 2014).

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