The Technological Revolution of The Web 3.0 Era Is Already Here

12 Feb 2024


“The goal of the web is to serve humanity. We build it now so that those who come to it later will be able to create things that we cannot ourselves imagine” — Tim Berners- Lee

Many people talk about Web3, but few know the essence of what it means. Since 1989 the Internet has worked the same way, with its pluses and minuses. Web2 was the pioneer for Web3 where things are at the highest level. In the meantime, third party companies have emerged to offer a version of Web3 but it is not a complete form.

What Sourceless has managed to create, is a native Web3 where things are different and react instantly, without the need for an IP or DNS, no interference or IP limits by country (location).

There will be no more middlemen, viruses, malware, SSL certificates, redirects, plugins and many other things. But being part of the Sourceless ecosystem you are already protected and have the freedom you want.

What do you think about all this?

All communication will take place through the Sourceless platform, directly and strictly between str.domain web addresses (Str.Domain ecosystem, creating a new web platform with different protocols than www, encrypted and decentralized).

All addresses are encrypted using Blockchain and DLT technology, offering the highest security (the Sourceless ecosystem has a minimum of 256-bit encryption, using the standards IEEE STD 1363.1 and OASIS KMIP).

In Web3 we talk about an Internet where the world is decentralized and so we have the freedom to create, develop and implement what we want, using the best technological tools of the moment that Sourceless offers to all its users.

Web3 is the place where transactions will be much faster and more secure. Another advantage is that personal data will not be sold to third parties.

At present we have obtained a “Provisional Software Patent” which certifies our work so far, on an international scale.

Sourceless aims to be a DAO — “Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is a community-led entity with no central authority. It is fully autonomous and transparent: smart contracts lay the foundational rules, execute the agreed upon decisions, and at any point, proposals, voting, and even the very code itself can be publicly audited.”

Each member of the platform becomes an archivist who can develop everything they want in the online space.

Sourceless Blockchain!

Sourceless platform is a Launchpad by definition — easy to use, where you can create your own digital ecosystem.

By using the Sourceless platform you have the possibility to integrate programs, applications and all kinds of data (used as public or private) under the protection of Sourceless Blockchain.

Our platform will give free access to all its users, to use AI software such as OpenAI GPT-3, Formwelt AI, GitHub and more.

To be part of this ecosystem and the future of the new Web, you can start by visiting our official Sourceless website.

Sourceless — Education, Technology & Innovation

BULB: The Future of Social Media in Web3

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