One for the books.

4 Apr 2024

When the time comes, I will look back in time by looking at this photo. Thank God for social media platforms that store memories such as these.

I had finished emptying the good-looking content of this food container into the middle belt, my middle belt. My favorite - beans accompanied by a soft bread had gone on a journey of no return as it pleases the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven. That was not all.

As I send the faithful meal to the great beyond, a generous, Igbo girl was dining close to me. I must have sent the last portion of the meal to the great abyss when she offered me one of her meat. We had had a few chats before we both embarked on our separate missions.

"Say no more!" was loud in my thought as I had to help her defeat the foe. Since she asked for my help to beat a potential opponent, why should I decline??

"Pass him to him" I said through gestures as I moved the cover of my plate to the generous queen from the east. So we chatted on after supper and na her phone take this picture.

And as I grind on the beat, I remembered the night before; a generous Igbo girl had made my night with a plate of hot noodles. Hence, my hot noodles poem from last night.

Story! Story!! Story!!! πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

I have obviously deviated from the memory stored in photos to a laughable tale of meat and beans and soft bread. Lol. This too shall be remembered when the future comes and this post pops up.

To good times and kind people, Yusuf Sadiq.

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