How to Motivate Your Employees to Peak Performance
How to Motivate Your Employees to Peak Performance
Discovering how to motivate your employees is incredibly important to your business success as a manager and for the success of your employees.
How do you keep your employees motivated and enjoying their job every day that they come to work?
Watch this video, learn the best way to motivate your employees to peak performance.
The Key to Creating Peak Performance at Work
The key to creating a peak performance organization is to create a high self-esteem environment by removing the fears of failure and rejection that inhibit personal performance. The manager who creates a positive, high-self-esteem workplace will have higher performance, lower absenteeism, lower employee turnover, higher productivity, and fewer mistakes.
How to Motivate Employees: 2 Basic Workplace Needs
To perform at their best, individuals have two basic needs in the world of work:
1) The Autonomy Need. The first is called “the autonomy need.” This is the need to be seen and respected as an individual, and to stand out for one’s personal performance. It is a need to be recognized for individual achievement or the “I am special” need.
2) The Dependency Need. The second need that each person has in the workplace, is “the dependency need.” This is the need that people have to feel a part of something bigger than themselves. People want to be part of a team. It is the need to feel recognized and accepted as part of a group of people in the workplace.
Good organizations and good managers create environments where people feel both autonomous and important, on the one hand, and have their dependency needs satisfied by making them feel as if they are part of a team; part of the whole organization. The reward structures in excellent organizations are designed to reward not only autonomous performance but also team performance.
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Employee Motivation: Using Positive Reinforcement at Work
The key factor in employee motivation is one thing: the nexus between the manager and the managed. It is what takes place at the moment of contact or communication between the manager and the employee that is the key determinant of performance, effectiveness, productivity, output and profitability of an organization. The point at which the two people connect, whether positively or negatively, is where the past, present and future performance of the individual and the organization is determined.
When this contact between the boss and the subordinate is positive, supportive and encouraging of self-esteem and a positive self-image, then performance, productivity and output of the individual will reach its highest level.
Low Self-Esteem Work Environment: The Worst Way to Gain Employee Satisfaction
If this point of contact between the manager and the managed is negative for any reason at all, performance and output will decline. A negative relationship with the boss will trigger fears of failure, rejection and disapproval. If the boss is negative for any reason, people will play it safe, and only do exactly what they need to do to avoid being fired.
Almost everyone has worked in a low self-esteem environment. These are usually remembered as the worst jobs the person ever had. Everything you do to improve this intersection or contact improves the overall quality of your work life, no matter where you are on the ladder of management.
The more effective you can become in eliciting peak performance from each of your staff members, the more and better people you will be given to manage for it. The top managers and leaders of today are those who are capable of eliciting extraordinary performance from ordinary people.