Fireworks: an explosion of chemistry and color.

29 Mar 2024

Fireworks have captivated humanity for centuries with their dazzling display of lights and colors in the night sky. Behind this spectacle lies an intricate dance of chemical compounds that ignite and decompose in the air, creating a true visual feast for our senses.

The colors in fireworks are formed thanks to the excitation of atoms and molecules in the chemical compounds present in the pyrotechnic mixtures. Each color has its own chemical recipe, and pyrotechnicians carefully mix these compounds to achieve the desired visual effect.

The key chemical compounds

  • Sodium (Na): Produces an intense yellow color.
  • Copper (Cu): Generates blue and green tones, depending on the temperature at which it is burned.
  • Strontium (Sr): It is responsible for intense red tones.
  • Potassium (K): Produces a vibrant purple color.
  • Calcium (Ca): Contributes to orange flashes.

The excitement begins with ignition, where a spark ignites the initiating compound, usually a mixture of aluminum powder and iron oxide. This reaction generates heat and gas, creating pressure that explodes the containers of chemical compounds and disperses them into the air. When chemical compounds break down in air, the energy released causes the electrons in atoms to jump to higher energy levels. Returning to their original state, these electrons emit light, creating the stunning colors we see in the sky.

Remember that pyrotechnics is an art that requires skill and knowledge, but also carries risks. It is crucial that pyrotechnicians handle materials carefully and strictly follow safety protocols to avoid accidents. Some chemical compounds used in fireworks can be toxic or polluting, so it is essential to use them responsibly and avoid their uncontrolled release into the environment.

Fireworks are much more than a simple display of lights and colors. They are the result of a careful combination of science, art and passion, which dazzles and captivates viewers of all ages around the world.

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