xPet - PvE (Adventure) mechanics details
The motivation to increase the price x4 of $BPET and $XPET from today is precisely for this reason.
So, why is this mode so attractive?
1. Pets from level 10 can participate in PvE Specifically:
> Adventure level 1: Pet from level 10 to level 29
> Adventure level 2: Pet from level 30 or higher
> Level 3 Adventure: Special Event
2. Farm and PvE mode
At the point where $BPET is received from the Farm in the amount of $BPET that we invested in Pet and Factory initially.
> PvE Mode will be unlocked.
Once unlocked, Farm will no longer automatically generate BERRY.
Of course, if we continue to upgrade our Pet, BERRY will continue to be generated until we receive the exact $BPET digital token we invested.
3. Rewards 10% of the revenue of the previous day's activities:
> Buy Pets and food in the store
> Upgrade Pet and Factory 10% of revenue, guys. Very big!
5. xEGG is thin Additionally, it is still possible to get xEGG shards from 1 to 5 stars when participating in PvE.
These xEGG fragments can be merged to create xEGG NFTs of 1 to 5 stars.
xEGG fragments will be in-game assets.
After collecting enough egg fragments, we can combine them into xEGG NFT. There will be the feature of opening eggs and receiving items from common to unique, extremely unique and even unique.
These products will have significant value in xPet's game modes. The total supply of xEGG NFTs will be 10,000. Their depth will be additionally analyzed as follows: