Surprising Facts About Nikola Tesla
Hello friends,
As you may know, Nikola Tesla died in the United States during World War II, providing the government with the opportunity to seize Tesla's properties. Although many of his later inventions may not have been implemented, they are widely known thanks to the notes and documents he left behind. Many of these works, including the death ray, are being held and researched by the U.S. government.
It is claimed that Nikola Tesla also created an earthquake machine. Among the inventions attributed to Tesla, the earthquake machine was mentioned, but no one had ever seen this machine in real life. It was claimed that Tesla created a machine that sent vibrations through objects and used a complex system of pistons, springs, and a central rod to shake them. If this machine were on a larger scale, it could potentially cause catastrophic earthquakes.
He claimed that his inventions were a result of what he 'saw.' Tesla asserted that most of his inventions and groundbreaking ideas came to him in strange and inexplicable visions, often inspiring detailed concepts and designs. Thanks to his photographic memory, Tesla could transfer them to paper and breathe life into them. What he saw might have stemmed from Tesla's innate spatial perception and unique mental abilities, but he believed they were entirely supernatural.