Is Eggs🥚 veg or non-veg??

31 Jul 2023

So, finally, is egg veg or non-veg??

Since parts of it are both vegetarian as well as nonvegetarian, why don't we skip the tedious debate and hop on the popular bandwagon of the term- Eggetarians? It’s trendy and also very self explanatory- it refers to vegetarians who consume eggs and egg products. For vegetarians worrying about the ethicality behind it? Don't worry, there’s hardly a possibility that your egg could have birthed a chicken, had you decided to spare it.

01/5Facts about eggs you didn't know!

Do you ever wonder whether eggs are veg or non-veg?
Eggs are popularly considered a non-vegetarian food, but there are several facts that do not entirely support this statement. If we go by the definition that those who eat flesh are non-vegetarians, egg is indeed vegetarian as it has no flesh or life.

02/5But eggs come from chicken!

Eggs come from chicken, but they are not obtained by killing chicken, like caviar or fish eggs are obtained. Not every product that comes out of animal is non-vegetarian, the best example being milk.

03/5Egg white is the purest

Eggs contain three parts- the shell, the albumen (white) and the yolk. The egg white is a suspension of the protein albumen in water. It contains no animal cell. Hence, egg whites are vegetarian and all products containing egg whites are, technically, vegetarian.

04/5Yolk too is mostly veg, but....

Most of the yolk is a suspension of fat, cholesterol and protein in water, but since the gamete cells cannot completely be demarcated from the yellow portion, the yolk is non-veg.

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