OpenAI calls for artificial intelligence

26 Jul 2024

Sam Altman, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, called for a “US-led global coalition” to overtake China in artificial intelligence.

Speaking to Axios, Altman said that the US government has made progress on artificial intelligence, but that he does not think the government is “taking the issue with the necessary seriousness”.

Pointing to China's determination to develop AI technologies, Altman said other governments need to take a more tactical and rapid approach to AI.

Altman highlighted the importance of US AI companies improving their cyber defense and data center security to prevent the theft of their data and important intellectual property.


Emphasizing the importance of infrastructure in AI technologies, Altman also called on the US authorities to organize efforts to build physical infrastructure for data centers and power plants in cooperation with the private sector.

After stating that the US should clarify how it will apply export controls and foreign investment rules for the global construction of artificial intelligence systems, Altman stated that it is important to create an organization similar to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for artificial intelligence technologies.

Sam Altman also said that “we need a US-led global coalition” to ensure that as many people as possible can benefit from AI.


“SearchGPT” is designed to combine the power of artificial intelligence models with information from the web to give users ‘fast and timely answers with clear and relevant sources’, OpenAI said in a statement.

The statement said that the use of the search engine will start with a small group of users and publishers to get feedback.

It was informed that this prototype is temporary, and in the future, the best of these features are planned to be integrated directly into ChatGPT.

In the statement, it was noted that “SearchGPT”, which will respond to users' questions quickly and directly with up-to-date information on the web, will provide clear links to relevant resources, and users can also ask follow-up questions in searches as if they were chatting.

OpenAI Senior Manager Sam Altman also shared on his X account, “We think there is room to make search much better than it is today. We are launching a new prototype called SearchGPT. We will learn from the prototype, make it better, and then integrate the technology into ChatGPT to make it real-time and maximally useful.”

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