Becoming Forsaken - Part One

14 Nov 2024

My entry into T2.World writing competition. Free read.

Becoming Forsaken - Part One

Heightened senses, inexplicable urges, and a mysterious voice in his head guide him through a transformed world. But the true horror awaits at home, where shattered mirrors reflect a fragmented self and an enigmatic intruder holds the key to Kaelen's dark metamorphosis. Will he uncover the truth of his "Becoming Forsaken" before it consumes him entirely?

Read the story here - Becoming Forsaken

Becoming Forsaken - an excerpt.

You can read the rest of the excerpt on JD's Daily Writes.

He needed to get home, fast and unseen. 

“Okay Kaelen, calm down, deep breaths. Time to think about getting home.” he muttered to himself.  
Composing himself he got up into a crouched position, scanning the forest around him. He could see the road in the distance below him, recognising it and now he knew what direction to take. 

Keeping himself low so as to try to remain unseen he starts half running, half scurrying through the forest, his senses heightened as his heart starts pounding furiously. He headed in the general direction he knew his home to be.  

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