Consider Multitasking Beneficial for Business? Studies Show That It Isn't
Consider Multitasking Beneficial for Business? Studies Show That It Isn't
Do you manage multiple tasks concurrently during the workday? If so, your most valuable skill is most likely multitasking. But can multitasking actually increase output? Numerous studies indicate that, rather than increasing productivity, it actually decreases it.
Multitasking decreases productivity
A common misconception is that multitasking increases productivity. You must be more productive if you can send emails during a meeting or scan reports while taking a conference call, isn't that right? Not always. According to a research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, when students had to move to other tasks, they took far longer to solve complex math problems. They were, in actuality, 40% slower than individuals who were spared from constant switching. According to the study, people just engage in extensive "task-switching" rather than multitasking.
It's like a brain refresh when you go between projects. You use more mental energy catching up on one project just before moving on to another. In general, it leads to a decrease in productivity.
“Infomania” brought on by multitasking could lower your IQ
A study by the Institute of Psychiatry, which BBC News reported on, demonstrates the unsettling impact of multitasking. According to the survey, individuals are becoming more and more dependent on technology; instead of focusing on other tasks like attending a conference call, they are continuously checking their emails and texts. The incessant onslaught of communications, dubbed "infomania" by researchers, was demonstrated to cause a 10-point decline in participants' IQ. Fascinatingly, the report also points out that the IQ decline linked to "infomania" is more than twice as high as that observed in research on the relationship between IQ and marijuana use.
Practice doesn’t make perfect
You might think, “I’ve been multitasking for so long that I’m a well-oiled machine.” Well, research from the National Academy of Sciences suggests that heavy multitaskers are actually worse at juggling jobs than light multitaskers.
This is because heavy multitaskers are so consumed with the act of juggling tasks that they’re easily distracted by irrelevant information. Light multitaskers, who were doing fewer tasks, were more focused and able to get more accomplished.
This is one case where practice doesn’t make perfect. There are some solid tactics for improving productivity, but multitasking just isn’t one of them.
The cons of multitasking
While research supports the disadvantage of multitasking, here are some common-sense reasons that multitasking just doesn’t work for businesses:
1. Quality of work could suffer
If you work on two things at once, you aren’t devoting your attention to any one thing. With limited focus, you’re bound to make mistakes. For example, if you’re trying to troubleshoot an issue for a client on the phone while answering emails, you won’t do either accurately because you’re not truly focusing on either task.
2. Limited focus
Because you’re trying to juggle several tasks, you might rush through them. By focusing on each task separately, you’re more likely to give each chore the focus it deserves.
3. Less productivity
In the end, trying to multitask hurts your productivity. Your brain simply can’t juggle several tasks at once efficiently. Try implementing “single-tasking” instead.
More ways to improve productivity without multitasking
If multitasking only hurts your output, what can you do to deal with the glut of emails, texts, and stacks of reports on your desk? Here are a few tips to increase productivity without trying to balance several projects at once.
1. Organize your day
At the beginning of your day, make a list of priorities. Write them on a piece of paper, organize your tasks in Basecamp—it doesn’t matter. Just keep a list that makes it easy for you to track your progress. Sometimes just being aware of the fact that it’s taking a long time to get things done can be a good first step toward re-focusing your work-time.
A few times a year, track how you’re spending your time. Run a timer and record how long you spend on each task. This can give you some insight into the rabbit holes that are the most problematic for you, so you can be more strategic about avoiding them.
2. Limit your email time
Is your afternoon lost to email after email? It’s a common problem. Try to set aside a set chunk of time to dedicate to emails. Try twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Close your email browser except when you’re actually answering email so you can focus on what you’re actually doing, rather than being distracted every time a new email comes in. Don’t let a futile quest for inbox zero affect your real work.
3. Limit time on non-essential websites
Are you losing time scrolling through Facebook or LinkedIn? While it may only seem like five minutes here and 10 minutes there, few people can accurately estimate the passage of time. In other words, you’re spending more time than you think scrolling through feeds and checking blogs.
4. Try to work in 90-minute intervals
What’s the optimum time to work on a project? Ninety minutes, according to research from Florida State University. Those who work longer than 90-minute intervals move into a state of physiological fatigue. Parse out your time as an experiment and run a timer. Try to work on a single project for 20 minutes. Note how many times you feel compelled to distraction—checking email is a good example of a compulsion that we’re barely aware of that can really suck time and focus.
5. Take a break
Take a 10-minute break after working for ninety minutes. Don't use coffee or make yourself stay at your desk in an attempt to "power through" an assignment. It is recommended to work in short bursts and take short pauses in between. Make a list of all the things you need to get done. It doesn't matter if you write it down or arrange your assignments in Basecamp. Simply maintain a list that will enable you to easily monitor your advancement. Refocusing your workday can sometimes start with just acknowledging that tasks are taking longer than expected to complete.
There are numerous strategies to become more productive as well as numerous methods to become sidetracked, which can be really frustrating. Try some of these suggestions to cut down on multitasking and gain a better understanding of how you're actually spending your time if you frequently find yourself asking yourself, "Where did the time go?"