Good Morning With The Green Signal From Crypto Market

8 Feb 2024

Image by Eivind Pedersen from Pixabay

After having breakfast and coffee the green candles in crypto market made my morning good one. I knew it, whenever I sell my coins it start pumping and whenever I buy coins it start dumping lol. This happen once again. I sold $311 worth coins to buy dip and see market is getting hot. This time I'll trade technically without any kind of rush. It always good to see market is up and I'm holding my coins tight for the desired price too.
This time I've both stable coin and crypto coin in my wallet and I'll wait to take advantage of market up and down. I sold some coins even when it was a clear loss but it can help me increasing my coins if I trade wisely and buy when market will show red signal. As always I got impatient and see market is getting green. Right now I'm on the middle where from I can't buy and I can't sell but I can hold for the right time. Right time is unpredictable but it will be right here sooner or later.
Great ideas for Crypto trading is addictive and a crypto trader can't stay idle for long time and this is same about me. My next trading may help me earning some crypto coins instead earning stable coin. It will be profitable only when I'll be able to accumulate more desired coin and will hold it for big day on crypto market. But it is only possible when I'll be able to make done successful trading targets. But one thing I learn and realize from the crypto market and that is, there is no alternative to holding patience. You move forward or backward, it will be right direction for you when you take decision wisely with patience. 
The movement of my most favourite coins is positive right now and expecting to see bitcoin again hit $45k soon. All observers are mentioning about April month this year when bitcoin halving can bring some good luck for cryptocurrency investors. Right now when crypto coins are pumping I'm not making profit from it until it will cross the buying price but still the green candles give me satisfaction with positive vibes and enough to make my day good one!
Not sure how long this green vibes will last but whoever taking advantage of market right now are really lucky people. After buying and selling this will be always a regret that I wish I could sell high or buy dip. For me gaining is important doesn’t matter how big or how small I gain. Avoiding losses is the goal of we all crypto traders and taking risk sometimes can bring loss for a temporary time but later this loss can be recovered by holding patience and crypto coins we trust.

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