Decentralized TeaProtocol

7 Mar 2024

Learn about tea’s Decentralized Protocol

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At tea we've recognized that open-source software maintainers and contributors often aren't adequately rewarded for their efforts in creating and maintaining open-source software. This lack of incentives has lead to poorly maintained, vulnerable, or low-quality software. With this issue in mind, our goal is to develop a protocol that enhances the sustainability and integrity of the software supply chain by allowing open-source developers to capture the value they create.


The Internet is built on open-source projects, developed by global developer communities whose codebases are freely available. Over the past 80 years, open-source software has shifted from a niche hobby to the foundation of all innovation. However, these developers receive no tangible rewards for their significant contributions.
For example, Max Howell created Homebrew (“Brew”) in 2009 – one of the fastest growing and most used open-source projects of all time. Brew achieved similar scale and reach as other notable open-source projects such as Java, Python and Linux. Despite the success and widespread adoption of Homebrew, Max could only afford to maintain the OS project as a “hobby” while working as a developer at Apple to pay the bills. Max’s story is common amongst OS developers.
Enterprise software, a multi-billion dollar industry, is built on this open-source foundation, yet the developers maintaining this base see little value in return. Despite vast enterprise fortunes made, open-source software remains a public utility with no effective means for developers to capture the value they create.

Why is this a problem worth solving? Why Now?

Since the inception of the idea of open-source software, developers have maintained these projects thanklessly and with little to no reward or recognition from dependents, including enterprises who rely on the open-source public utility to continue to build the products we rely on every day.
The absence of adequate incentives has resulted in diminished morale, burnout, and, in extreme cases, the outright abandonment of projects. As this trend persists, there is a growing risk of a potential collapse within the open-source community, jeopardizing the core infrastructure that our daily lives rely upon. To safeguard the sustainability and ongoing expansion of the open-source software ecosystem, it is crucial to recognize and reward the contributions of open-source developers.


tea’s decentralized protocol aims to improve the sustainability and integrity of open-source software. It allows developers to benefit from their work in a trustless way, thanks to an impact metric, reputation and incentives. We believe that good rewards for open-source work can't happen unless there's an independent and autonomous system for recognizing impact and a way for community members to share their discoveries and constructive opinions on a project or a developer's work.


TEA’S Mission

tea's core mission is to enhance the sustainability and integrity of the software supply chain by allowing open-source developers to capture the value they create. This is accomplished by providing an ecosystem where code and crypto combine, opening pathways for open-source creators to be rewarded for their hard work and genius. By doing this, tea allows these creators to be adequately rewarded for their contributions, thereby reinforcing the robustness and credibility of the open-source software ecosystem.

TEA’S Vision

tea’s vision is to create a decentralized marketplace for the open-source ecosystem, making open-source sustainable and secure by aligning incentives with the value contributed by each

Value Proposition, Value Creation & Incentives

Value Proposition

At tea, we're revolutionizing the open-source landscape by addressing a critical issue – the lack of tangible rewards for the dedicated efforts of open-source maintainers and contributors. tea's decentralized protocol not only acknowledges the invaluable contributions of developers but also introduces a trustless system for them to capture the value they create. With tea, we're redefining the open-source software ecosystem, making it sustainable, transparent, and rewarding for all its contributors.

Value Creation

The value of the tea Protocol is that it creates a fully composable open-source ecosystem. The protocol accomplishes this in two distinct ways.

  • First, by allowing seamless interaction between projects and their communities. This encourages network participants to submit bug or vulnerability reports to project maintainers and OSS projects to address these reports in a timely manner. This also promotes more transparent linkages between project dependencies and dependents, which may encourage cross collaboration amongst core contributors due to their mutually aligned goals.
  • Second by assigning a universal score to each project to quantify its impact and orientation within the broader open-source ecosystem. This promotes healthy competition amongst projects to continually improve their codebase and usage by other packages within the ecosystem in order to increase their rank.

Full composability is achieved regardless of each OSS project’s package manager, dependencies, and dependents.


Users will be able to earn rewards through the tea protocol's incentive algorithm that applies across every qualifying entry in the tea registry. These rewards will be proportional to their ecosystem-wide contributions. Project maintainers can track their contributions to the ecosystem through their project's teaRank which is determined through proof of contribution.
In the tea ecosystem, rewards are distributed through TEA, the ecosystem's digital token. Users can stake TEA to projects, which demonstrates their belief in the project's value and helps increase its reputation and visibility within the ecosystem. Staking TEA allows users to actively participate in the growth and development of the tea ecosystem, while also potentially earning rewards for their contributions.
With this incentivized system, we believe that open-source maintainers and contributors will be able to focus on adding value to the open-source software ecosystem while also being held accountable.

If you want to learn more about @teaprotocol than vsite there official website.

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