Explore Peles Castle - The most beautiful castle in Rumania

20 Jul 2024

Transylvania, which is inherently famous for its dramatic Daracula, werewolves and haunted forests, is actually a beautiful mountainous landscape with ancient stone roads interspersed with churches and defensive cornices. firm. Hidden behind the Carpathian Mountains with poetic green grass hills is the charming Peles Castle with soaring towers - a scene that seems to appear from a fairy tale.

Construction began in 1873 by Viennese architect Wilhem Doderer and his assistant, Mr. Johann Schultz de Lemberg. It was interrupted in the years 1877-1879 because of the war and it was not until October 1883 that the castle was inaugurated. It was the summer residence of Prince Carol I de Hohenzollern, who later became King of Rumania.

Peles Castle is the first castle in Europe to have an electric central fireplace and has up to 160 rooms representing each region of ancient Europe. Famous politicians around the world have visited the castle such as US presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, Libyan leader Gaddafi and PLO leader Mr. Arafat. Currently, the castle is also a place that regularly welcomes heads of state and tourists visiting Rumania.

It's called a castle, but the form and function are divided just like a palace. Peles has an architectural blend of Neo-Gothic and Renaissance styles, it is similar to Schloss Neuschwanstein castle in Bavaria (Germany). With an area of ​​3,200 square meters and more than 170 rooms decorated elaborately and delicately, most of them in the Baroque style with heavy details, the castle can be considered a museum of cultures and East-West wars. through collections of weapons, paintings, carpets, ivory and ceramics.

Carpets came mainly from the East: Bukhara, Mosul, Isparta, Saruk, and Smirna, ceramic collections from Sèvres and Meissen and wall and ceiling coverings from Cordoba. One of the most outstanding decorations is the hand-painted Vitralios-style window panels (Switzerland) or the collection of marble statues of people and lions by Italian sculptor Romanelli. Peles is also home to a painting collection with more than 2,000 works.

Holul de Onoare Hall consists of 3 connected floors, and it was completed in just one year - 1911, the entire wall is paneled and exquisitely carved from walnut and some other rare woods - it is very thick. Special about details!. Plaster reliefs depicting religious themes, wooden statues of angels or warriors are depicted extremely vividly, and not to mention the elaborate stained glass ceiling that can be opened at night. summer.

There are many outstanding rooms such as the Florentine room, the Moresque room, the French room, the Turkish room, the Concert room... but the Imperial Suite room is special in that it was given to the Austrian emperor Franz Joseph I - who often visited for a long time. station as a friend of the Royal Family.

Therefore, it is easy to understand that the room is decorated in Auguste Bembe style - a sumptuous style typical of Austrian Baroque. Rarely is there a room that remains intact for 500 years, in addition to the walls or doors made using the extremely delicate Veneer technique of Maria Theresa's time or the impressive bright red carpet, the wallpaper Leather decoration is the unique feature of this room.

Peles is located in a complex of castles: Peles, Pelisor Chateau and Foisor Huntin, 60km from Sinaia city and 135km from Brasov. The best time to go to Peles is June to September, the castle is open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Tuesday to Sunday, but in November the castle is not open. There are too many details that cannot be described in a short article. If you have the opportunity, please visit Peles on your journey to explore Rumania and Eastern Europe - with a camera with a very large aperture! you will not be disappointed.

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