A pomegranate fruit tree

20 Aug 2023

Assalamu Alaikum. How are all the members? I hope you are well. I am also fine by the grace of God. I am here again with a new post. Now I will share with you a post about a fruit tree. It is very good to have a fruit tree at home. We also have several types of fruit trees in our house. These include pomegranate, guava, litchi and kul tree. For those of you, I have created a post with some pictures of pomegranate trees. Maybe you will like this post. Pomegranate is a very tasty fruit. I like pomegranate fruit very much. But the pomegranate tree is very soft. It breaks down very easily. Eating pomegranate also prevents many diseases.

Pomegranate and currant fruits look very similar. But our work is not very big. I bought the tree at a plantation fair. I bought the work when the tree was very young. The price of this pomegranate tree was one hundred rupees. The present tree has grown much larger. And the tree bore much fruit. Many people say that eating pomegranate causes a lot of blood. But I don't know how true that is. Our pomegranate tree is among many trees. So the leaves of the tree are not understood that way. People eat the young leaves of this pomegranate tree when they are sick. When the leaves of the pomegranate tree fall completely. Then the tree looks like a dead tree.

Again the young leaves of the pomegranate tree come out. And the young leaves of pomegranate are completely red in color. Then as they slowly grow, they take on a green color. But pomegranate leaves do not fall all at once. Some leaves fall and some leaves remain on the tree. Pomegranate young leaves are very nice to look at. Here you can see the pomegranate. This pomegranate is very nutritious. Now it has started to ripen. The top part of the pomegranate is showing some redness. However, this pomegranate has black spots on it. I have many pomegranates on this pomegranate tree. Sometimes many pomegranates are seen cut on the tree. Some pomegranates are harvested from trees. But my pomegranate tree has no cut. Pomegranate fruit is very tasty to eat. And its ripe pomegranate pods are very nice to see.

A pomegranate fruit tree. Pomegranate fruits are often lumpy. There are three or four pomegranates on some branches of the pomegranate tree. These pomegranates look very nice. But there are still many unripe pomegranates on the tree. Many pomegranates are also very small. Some pomegranates are starting to ripen again. However, there are currently no pomegranate flowers on the tree. Pomegranate trees have lots of leaves now. Then again it rains every day. So the leaves of the pomegranate fruit tree are quite clean. I like to see the tree very much. Behind the pomegranate tree is a large garden. So the place looks very bushy. There is a garden in front of our house. There are many types of fruit trees in the garden. However, I don't know the variety of this pomegranate fruit tree. There are many types of pomegranate trees.

The price of fruit is very high in the current market. We cannot eat as many fruits as we want. For this, some fruit trees should be made at home. Because from there the demand for our fruits has decreased a lot. However, the market often uses various poisons to speed up the ripening of the fruit. Which is also harmful to our health. And if there is a fruit tree in the house, it is considered clean and safe fruit. Pomegranate fruit can be eaten in many ways. Pomegranate juice can be made and eaten. And it can be eaten when ripe. Every fruit is important to us. That's it for today. I will try to appear among you with a new post next day. Thank you so much for reading my post so far.

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