Herbal Tea Benefits

1 Oct 2022

Constipation, acidity are caused by drinking milk tea empty stomach, in such a situation, take herbal tea and know how to make it here.

Everyone has a habit of drinking tea in the morning, without it the eyes do not open. In such a situation, many people take milk tea directly on an empty stomach, but the caffeine in milk tea is so much that there is swelling in the stomach and intestines, due to which many diseases develop. Those who have problems with gas, bloating, indigestion and nausea need even more attention. This can cause bile. That's why we recommend you to drink herbal tea in its substitute, which will keep you fresh and healthy too.

Disadvantages of Milk Tea :

Drinking milk tea on an empty stomach in the morning will lead to acidity, constipation problems throughout the day. The stomach will not be cleaned properly. For those who have these problems, the best solution is to drink herbal tea.

Herbal Tea :

You can drink herbal tea by adding basil and ginger in the morning, you can also add basil leaves, ginger, mint leaves and fennel in a glass of water, if you want, you can also give cardamom, after that boil it and add honey and drink . With this your stomach will be clean and there will be no indigestion, gas will not be formed and refreshment will also happen.

Herbal tea can be made in many ways, by adding curry leaves, giloy, cinnamon, or sometimes by adding some herbs.

If you want, you can also add ghee to milk tea. If you have a lot of acidity problem then you can drink herbal drink. If you want to get instant relief from gas, then you can add half a teaspoon of desi ghee or 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to your tea or coffee. This can reduce the damage to your intestine.

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