Story Of A Poor Farmer

12 Jan 2024

A rich landlord lived in a village. He was very proud of his money. The more money he had, the more miser he was. He made the farmers working in his fields do a lot of work, but did not pay even a penny of their wages. The poor farmers were forced to work hard in his fields.

A farmer named Ramu lived in the same village. He had a little land. He used to support himself and his family by farming there. Ramu was very hardworking. He would work in his fields all day long and with his hard work he would harvest enough to provide two meals a day for his family.

The rest of the farmers in the village had more land than Ramu. They were amazed to see Ramu's hard work and how he could grow so many crops in so little land.

One year there was a severe drought in the village. Without rain, the fields and barns started drying up. Poor farmers had no irrigation system. They depended on rain for irrigation. Therefore all his crops were ruined. Same thing happened with Ramu. He was somehow supporting his family in his small farm. Now they were in danger of dying of hunger. Due to compulsion, he went to the village landlord to ask for a loan.

The landlord was a miser. He thought that if he gave money to Ramu, he would not get it back. That's why I employ him in my farm. He is hardworking and also helpless. I will get you to work twice as hard for less money.

He said to Ramu, “Look Ramu! I can't give you a loan, but I can help you so much that I can employ you in my farm. I will give you a thousand rupees per month.”

“But the owner and other farmers get two thousand.” Ramu said.

“If you have to do it, do it. Otherwise I have no shortage of farmers.” The landlord said.

What would the helpless Ramu do? He agreed and returned home. From the next day he started working in the landlord's field. He was a hard worker. He worked very hard and diligently. He completed the work of four months in just two months. Seeing this the landlord was very happy. But deceit awakened in his mind. He thought that he had completed the work of four months in just two months. Why not remove it? This will save me two months of money.

He called Ramu and gave him two months' money and said, "Ramu, take this money of yours." Don't come from tomorrow. Now I don't need you."

Ramu got upset after hearing this. His household was running with great difficulty. How will he feed his family now? He started pleading with the landlord not to fire him. But the landlord did not listen to him and fired him from the job.

Ramu returned home with tears in his eyes. He couldn't sleep the whole night due to worry. Waking up in the morning, he decided to go back to the landlord and request him to hire him back.

He went and sat in front of the landlord's house. When the Jat landlord came out of his house in the morning, he saw Ramu sitting in front of the house.

He asked Ramu, “What happened Ramu, why have you come?”

Ramu fell at the landlord's feet and pleaded, “Master, have mercy on me. Hire me. My family will die of hunger"

The landlord did not listen to him and pushed him away from there. Ramu left from there at that time, but the next morning he again went and sat in front of Seth's house. The landlord again cursed him and sent him away.

From now on this sequence started happening every day. Every day Ramu would go and sit in front of the landlord's house and the landlord would chase him away. This matter started being discussed in the entire village. Everyone started saying good and bad things to the landlord. Fed up, the landlord thought why not go to another village with his family for a few days. Ramu will stop coming here after not seeing me at home.

The next day he along with his family went to his relative's house in another village. When he returned home after staying at his relative's house for ten to fifteen days, he did not find Mohan sitting in front of his house. In his heart he was happy that he was free from her. But he was also surprised as to why Ramu stopped coming.

When he called the villagers and asked, he came to know that Ramu was injured and lying at his house.

The landlord asked, “What happened to him?”

A landlord said, “Master! Even today, when others had gone to the village, Ramu used to sit in front of your house. One day, seeing your empty house, some thieves entered your house with the intention of stealing. But when they came in the sight of Ramu, Ramu, without caring for his own life, got into a fight with them and chased them away. Ramu got injured due to the scuffle that took place between them.”

The landlord started feeling ashamed of himself after knowing how bad he had done to Ramu, but even after this, Ramu got into trouble with the thieves to save his house from being stolen. He started repenting. He decided to go to Ramu's house.

When he reached Ramu's house, he saw that Ramu was lying on the cot in a very pitiful condition. His children are crying with hunger. Seeing this, the landlord's heart was filled with joy. He apologized to Ramu for his actions. Got him treated. And after recovery, he was hired again with good salary.

Lesson: One should never be dishonest with anyone, one should always help the needy, one should do one's work honestly.


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