Giresun is a province located in the Black Sea Region of Turkey, standing out with its historical riches and natural beauties. This beautiful city has been under the influence of many civilizations throughout history and has created a cultural mosaic.
Giresun's history dates back to ancient times. Various civilizations such as the Hittites, Cimmerians, Persians, Pontus Kingdom, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire and Ottoman Empire ruled in the region. Giresun has witnessed the interaction of different cultures throughout history due to its strategic location.
Historical Places:
1- Giresun Castle: Located in the Kale District of Giresun city centre, at a strategic point for both sea and land defense, the castle consists of two parts: inner and outer castle. There are structures with different functions within the castle, such as cisterns, wells, watchtowers and caves. Rough-cut stone was used as material in the structure, which was built with the masonry construction system. The walls surrounding the peninsula have a rectangular form. The walls sometimes turn into natural steep cliffs. There are towers within the walls. There are two rock-carved areas on the east side of the outer castle. There are traces of frescoes on the carvings, platforms, niches and walls. The Castle is a First Degree Archaeological Site. The grave of Feridunzâde Osman Ağa is located within the castle. The Martyrs' Cemetery is also located in this area.
2- Giresun Museum: It is known that the church, located in the Gogara area on the coast, was built in the 16th century. It is an Orthodox church. It was built of cut stones and attracts attention with its dome and typical church architecture. It is currently used as an archaeological museum.
3- Children's Library (Catholic Church) The Catholic Church, located in Çınarlar District of Giresun Province, was built between 1850 and 1900. The church is located in a garden surrounded by cut stone walls. It has a rectangular plan, its main façade has a triangular forehead, and it has a remarkable architecture with its stone fluted corner columns at the corners. The northern façade of the building is quite spectacular and has a pointed arched entrance in the middle of the façade. Its two-winged wooden door is one of the most beautiful 19th century door examples in Giresun. On the east façade, there is a second door with plain scarf stones that gives access to the square-sectioned bell tower. The interior has preserved its original shape until today, and the mahfil part was later renovated in accordance with its original form. Although the tile mosaic floor covering the naos floor is original, the floral and geometric ornaments on it have a very decorative appearance. It is one of the best examples of non-Muslim buildings in Giresun with its facade arrangement, interior flooring, window shapes and decorative ceiling.
4- Licese Churches: It is located in Licese District of Asarcık Village of Şebinkarahisar. 18th century It is estimated that it was built between mid-1874 and 1887. The church used as an Orthodox Church; It has two floors, a single central dome, 3 apses, a cross plan, made entirely of cut stones, has a monumental main entrance gate, and another exit gate to the north. Once you enter through the main door, you go up to the upper floor with the stairs on the right and left. On the left side of the entrance, there is a bell tower adjacent to the church in the corner outside. From the inside, the church is supported by two pillars and four round stone columns. There are three on the north and south facades, one on the right and left of the entrance, and small rectangular windows in the apses.
5- Çakrak Church and Bridge: The "second church", one of the four churches built in Çakrak Village after the declaration of the Reform Edict, is one of the Greek works in the region. The church and the arch bridge, which attracts the attention of citizens using the road since they are on the Yağlıdere-Alucra road connecting Giresun to the inner regions, provide information about the past lives of the Greeks in the region. Although there is no inscription or period source providing information about the bridge's construction date and who built it, it is understood that it was built in the second half of the 19th century with its material use-like features.
Tourist Places:
1- Giresun Island: Giresun Island is an important area that contains many mystical stories. Among these, the mythological hero “The Legend of the Golden Fleece of Hercules and the Argonauts”, “King Mitridates' Daughter and the Shepherd's Story”, “Hz. Joseph's Golden Statue" and "The Legend of the Amazon Women". A piece of rock found on the island, called the Hamza Stone, which comes from the Latin word "Humuz" and means birth, stands as evidence that the Cybele belief continues to exist on the island. It is known that childless couples pray around the Hamza Stone and even spend a night on the island. The tradition shaped around the Hamza Stone, which is seen as a symbol of fertility and abundance, is continued every year on the 20th of May within the scope of the "Seventh of May" ceremonies and "Aksu Festivals".
2- Kümbet Plateau: Located within the borders of Dereli District, the plateau is approximately 60 kilometers from Giresun. The plateau area, with its interesting geography, relaxing climatic features, rich vegetation, clean and clear water resources, and attractive examples of Black Sea plateau culture (local dishes, local entertainment, local architecture, etc.), was declared a tourism center in 1991.
3- Kulakkaya Plateau: Kulakkaya Plateau, located in Yavuzkemal Town of Dereli district, approximately 45 kilometers away from Giresun, has interesting natural beauties and is the oldest and most well-known and visited plateau of Giresun. Kulakkaya Plateau was declared a tourism center in 1991. The plateau, established on one of the historical silk road routes, is one of the oldest authentic settlement areas not only in Giresun but also in the Eastern Black Sea region. The fact that Kulakkaya Plateau is relatively low in altitude compared to the surrounding plateaus, has a longer season and is easily accessible makes it preferred by daily plateauers.
4- Kuzalan Waterfall: 19 kilometers away from Giresun's Dereli District, the height of the waterfall, which is one of the values of Kuzalan Nature Park, is approximately 20 meters. The waterfall has an observation deck opposite it; It attracts great attention with its appearance, sound and the magnificent view it creates with its surroundings.
5- Blue Lake: Within the borders of Giresun's Dereli district and 20 kilometers away from the district center, Blue Lake, one of the unique values of Kuzalan Nature Park, consists of the combination of three lakes and is called "Sodalı Lake or Göğ Göl" by the local people. is known. The water of the Blue Lake turns turquoise, especially in the summer months, with the influence of limestones and Göksu Stream, the only soda stream of the Black Sea, offering an unprecedented beauty to its visitors.
6- Sis Mountain Plateau: Located 40 kilometers from the coast of Giresun Görele district, Sis Mountain Plateau is located at the intersection of Giresun and Trabzon provincial borders. In the plateau, which covers a very large area on Ali Meydan (Sis) Mountain, which is 2,182 meters high, snow remains on the ground until the beginning of July and creates interesting snapshots. It was declared a Tourism Center in 2011. Sis Mountain Plateau, which stands out with its yellow and purple flowers that provide a magnificent natural beauty in many respects, hosts different festivals in July.
7- Karagöl Mountains: Karagöl Mountains (3,107 meters), located at the southernmost end of Dereli and Bulancak districts, at the junction of Ordu, Giresun and Sivas provincial borders, and the plateaus established around the lake named Karagöl, which has the character of a circus (glacier) lake. There are many glacial lakes to visit nearby. These are Camlı Lake, Aygır Lake, Bağırsak Lake, Sağrak Lake. Its impressive appearance, ice-cold spring waters, clean air and local cultural attractions carry a remarkable potential. You can go hiking in the summer months in the Karagöl Mountains, which are very suitable for hiking. In July, Sağrak Göl Plateau Festival and Aksu Village Karagöl Keşkek Day Plateau Festivals are held in the plateaus.
Giresun offers its visitors an unforgettable experience with its historical ruins, natural beauties and rich cultural heritage. For those who want to experience the mystical atmosphere of the Black Sea and follow the traces of history, Giresun is a treasure waiting to be discovered.