A young girl is sobbing by herself in her room and wishes she could leave this horrible planet.
She tries to hide the scars on her wrist by dragging a razor blade across them.
Every night, a boy hopes that he will find the courage to approach his crush.
He is hesitant to approach him because of all the criticism and slurs, but those people fail to see that he is also only human.
A man is traveling home from work, hoping that his wife hasn't found out about his falsehoods.
He has forgotten that we all share the same sky and is trying to hide the fact that he made a mistake one night.
A woman is sitting in a pub, reflecting on all the times she has previously visited.
She is concerned about whether she would ever experience true love, yet she is unaware of her immense value.
A loving and proud God is keeping watch over each and every one of them.
He's waiting with open arms to welcome them home and wants them to know that they are valued for who they are on the inside.