Common sense ideal for young people
- NEVER MOURN YOUR SINGLENESS Being single is not a disease. Singleness is not a curse. It’s not a problem. There are a lot of people that have allowed themselves to be put under a lot of pressure and forced to get into relationships that are not in alignment with their purpose in life because they feel pressured into feeling they need to come out of the stage of singleness. Never allow anybody to make you feel inferior because you’re single. It is better to be single hoping to be married, than to be married praying to be single again. So be wise to take your time, don't be in a rush.
2) NEVER TAKE YOUR HEART ON A JOURNEY WITHOUT YOUR BRAIN---- You’ve heard it said before that you should ‘shine your eyes’. But I tell you not to just shine your eyes because it’s not all that glitters, that’s gold. So, shine your heart and at the same time, shine your brain. There are many things that will look good to the face but will be a toxic virus to your destiny. Never allow your emotions to over-rule your sense of reasoning. Never allow yourself to get to a point in your life where your emotion is the driver and your brain the passenger. When your emotion is the driver of your life and your brain is the passenger in the vehicle of destiny, accident is inevitable. 3)EVERY RELATIONSHIP MUST BE DEFINED An undefined relationship is a dangerous relationship. Because when you don’t define a relationship you give room for assumptions and assumption is the lowest level of knowledge. Read this carefully, love is not blind! If love is blind, marriage will open your eyes. You are only blind until you marry. The day you marry you enter into reality.
4) NEVER WAVE AWAY OR IGNORE WARNING SIGNALS If he hits you before marriage, he’ll kick you after marriage. I don’t care how going looking the man is, if he’s stingy before marriage, he’ll be stingier after marriage. You going out with a man that claims to love you yet find it hard picking up bills he should as a man. He won’t get you gifts for any occasion. If he’s going to be a responsible man, let him begin to show the color NOW. Let him show signs of better things to come. I’m not asking him to buy you a house or car but he should be a man and pick up the bills. To you brothers, I don’t care how beautiful she is, if she cannot honor you now, if she cannot submit to you now, she will never honor you tomorrow. So be careful of that woman. You say one, she replies you seven times. That’s a signal that there’s fire on the mountain. Run run run.
5) NEVER LOOK DOWN ON ANYBODY These days’ people are respected by the virtue of what they drive, where they live and what they wear. But you are not what you drive; you are not your house. You are not your car. You are not what you wear. Now people only respect people by virtue of packaging. You only have to understand that it’s not about the container; it’s all about the content. The container may be powerful but the content maybe a virus.
6) DON'T SACRIFICE YOUR FUTURE ON THE ALTAR OF TEMPORARY PLEASURE Never sacrifice your future on the altar of temporary pleasure. Marrying someone solely because of the physical beauty, riches is a dangerous feat to embark on. What if you get married and the very next month, he or she is involved in an accident that changes his/her look? Or he goes broke?
Operate within these six principle S a single and see what the future holds for you.