
6 Jan 2024

As with the rest of the book of Revelation, there are varying opinions on the identity of the 144,000 people in chapter 7. So who are these people and what is their importance?

those who are sealed
The previous chapter (Rev. 6:12-17) ends with the question: Who can withstand the wrath of God and the wrath of the Lamb? John answers this question. First of all, the 'four corners' of the earth were not used to teach that the earth was flat. The four corners represent the whole earth (Isa. 11:12; Rev. 20), just as the four corners of a house represent the whole house (Job 1:19) and the four corners of the country represent the entire land of Israel (Ezek. 7:2). :8).

The 'four winds' represent the judgment to come. We see an example of this in the Old Testament (Ezek. 5:10, 12); Four winds strike the whole land of Elam from the four ends of the sky (Jer. 49:36; Ezek. 37:9; Dan. 7:2; 8:8; 11:4; Zech. 2:6; 6:5; Matt. 24 :31; Mark 13:27). Here the four winds cover the whole world. Elsewhere in Scripture, a close relationship is established between angels and winds (Ps. 104:4). Angels keep the winds from blowing on land, sea or any tree. Then an angel bearing the seal of the Living God shouts with a loud voice to the four angels who are given authority to wreak havoc on the land and sea.

The seal symbolizes the protection given to those who belong to God (Rev. 9:4). Now we know that those who have God's seal can withstand God's wrath. In Ezekiel 9, Jerusalem is about to be judged for its wickedness. “Go through the City of Jerusalem and mark the foreheads of those who lament and weep because of the abominations that have been done there” (Ezek. 9:4). Judgment will not spare the young or the old, but those with the mark on their foreheads will not be touched (Ezek. 9:6). In Revelation, those who are sealed in the forehead by God are contrasted with those who bear the mark of the beast on their foreheads (Rev. 13:6; 14:9; 20:4). What separates believers from unbelievers is that their name and the name of God the Father are written on their foreheads (Rev. 14:1; Rev. 22:4). The identities of those who were sealed have now been determined. These are 144,000 people from every tribe of Israel. John then lists 12,000 from each tribe. ''The one who waits at the door opens the door for him. “The sheep hear the voice of the shepherd, and he calls his sheep by name and leads them out” (Jn 10:3).

The list of tribes does not agree with the Old Testament. Judas may be first in line because Jesus Christ comes from the tribe of Judah. It is also noteworthy that Dan was omitted. Instead, there is Joseph and Manasseh. Manasseh is a descendant of Joseph. Therefore, Ephraim and Manasseh are expected. Experts have different opinions about the 144,000 people. Some say the number is real and represents Jews from each tribe who believed in Jesus Christ. Dispensational commentators think that this number refers to the Jews who will be saved during the final seven-year tribulation period.

First of all, it makes more sense to say that 144,000 people symbolically represent both Jews and all Christians from other nations. They are God's army, fighting faithfully to the Lamb and enduring persecution. We can also think that John meant all Christians. The thing to remember is that numbers are symbolic. We can square the number twelve, which represents the twelve tribes in the Old Testament, and multiply by 1,000. Therefore, the 144,000 can be understood as a symbolic way of designating God's people. Second, the lion and the lamb appear in Revelation 5. The two are the same entity. In Revelation 7, John hears the number 144,000 again. He sees a great crowd (Rev. 7:9). The uncountable multitude reinforces the point that the 144,000 represent all believers.

Third, it does not mean that 144,000 people are Jews. John twice said that the Jews were 'the synagogue of Satan' (Rev. 2:9; Rev. 3:9). The roles between unbelieving Jews and Christians are reversed, so that unbelieving Jews take on the role of the Old Testament Gentiles. Fourth, a problem arises if 12,000 people are meant from each tribe of Israel. Today, almost no Jew knows which tribe he comes from. It is clear that most of them did not know their tribe in John's time. Fifth, the 144,000 are described as “bought from the earth” in Revelation 14:3 and “pure ones” in Revelation 14:4. Saved can be interpreted as all those who are saved, both Jews and Gentiles.

Those who are saved by His grace
Sixth, John describes the 144,000 as “those who had not defiled themselves with women” (Rev. 14:4). But this language is strictly symbolic, for being a virgin is no more pleasing to God than marriage, and those who claim that sexual relations within marriage are defiling are false teachers (1 Tim. 4:1-3). John cites the Old Testament, which frequently warned Israel against spiritual prostitution. 2 Corinthians 11:2 says, “I have betrothed you as virgins, to present you to Christ.” All we mentioned For some reason, we have reason to think that 144,000 is loaded with symbolism and refers to all of God's people.

Who will be saved from God's wrath at the final judgment? Only those who belong to God and are sealed by Him will be saved. At the same time, sealed by God, we are the true and new Israel, the Lord's chosen and beloved people. We too deserve God's wrath, but by His grace and mercy we are forgiven. This should lead to grateful praise. Being in the Lord's army, an army that proclaims peace and love through the Lamb who died and conquered death, should lead to heartfelt praise.


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