Fridge Forager

18 Mar 2024

The fridge light flickers, a pale, ghostly gleam, I stand there famished, lost in a hungry dream. Not a single pizza, no burrito's warm embrace, Just lonely shelves, a culinary disgrace.

There's a jar of pickles, a cryptic green glow, And a tub of hummus, sporting a fuzzy coat of snow. Half a lime sits weeping, beside a cheese so dry, It could crumble to dust with a single, mournful sigh.

Leftover lasagna, a congealed, cheesy mass, Looks like it wrestled a cat in a feline food fight class. A single strawberry, brave and oh so bold, Stares back defiantly, a story yet untold.

In the crisper drawer, a symphony of decay, Carrots gone limp, a lonely green bean ballet. A forgotten onion whispers secrets unsaid, While wilted lettuce dreams of fields, lush and green instead.

The door swings open wider, a desperate last plea, A carton of yogurt, its label staring back at me. "Best Before February," it screams in bold, white type, My stomach does a lurch, a battle I might type.

Suddenly, a triumph! A carton tucked so deep, A box of mac and cheese, my slumbering spirit leaps. The expiry unknown, a gamble I must take, For the rumbling in my gut, a symphony it won't forsake.

A pot of water boils, a symphony of steam, The cheese powder beckons, a culinary daydream. The noodles dance and twirl, a yellow, wiggling band, A carbo-loading chorus in this one-person, hungry land.

For in the depths of hunger, with willpower quite low, Even questionable meals like a magical show. The first delicious bite, a chorus filled with glee, "This isn't gourmet, but it's keeping hunger at bay, you see!"

So raise a plastic fork, to fridge foragers bold, Who conquer empty shelves, and stories yet untold. For when the cupboards gape, and options seem so bleak, We'll find a way to dine, however strange or weak.

Though diets may be shattered, and arteries might clog, In the face of hunger's pleas, the fridge forager's quite the slog. So next time you see someone, with a desperate, searching eye, Remember, they're a warrior, facing hunger's battle cry.

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