When to use NoSQL over SQL

2 Sept 2023

Deciding between SQL and NoSQL is a important decision to make. While SQL databases like PostgreSQL can have unstructured data with JSON usually Binary JSON (BJSON) is used it can get troublesome when it gets deeply nested. 
On the other hand most databases have relationships and can make NoSQL not applicable in most cases. Thus will talk when to SQL, NoSQL and in few use cases both polyglot approach can be optimal. In my example will use Go code snippets.

For the simplicity sake I will use same mutations and table content in SQL and NoSQL for comparison purposes.

When to use SQL

Structured Data: SQL databases are designed for structured data with well-defined schemas. If your data can be organized into tables with fixed columns and data types, SQL is a good choice.
ACID Compliance: If your application requires ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions, SQL databases are a better fit.
Scalability: SQL databases can handle vertical scaling (increasing server resources) effectively. If your application can run on a single server with sufficient resources, SQL may be suitable.

package main

import (

type User struct {
 ID      int
 Balance float64

// UserStore represents a simple in-memory user store.
type UserStore struct {
 mu    sync.Mutex
 users map[int]*User

func NewUserStore() *UserStore {
 return &UserStore{
  users: make(map[int]*User),

func (us *UserStore) GetUser(userID int) (*User, error) {
 defer us.mu.Unlock()

 user, exists := us.users[userID]
 if !exists {
  return nil, fmt.Errorf("user not found")
 return user, nil

func (us *UserStore) AddBalance(userID int, amount float64) error {
 defer us.mu.Unlock()

 user, exists := us.users[userID]
 if !exists {
  return fmt.Errorf("user not found")

 user.Balance += amount
 return nil

func (us *UserStore) SubtractBalance(userID int, amount float64) error {
 defer us.mu.Unlock()

 user, exists := us.users[userID]
 if !exists {
  return fmt.Errorf("user not found")

 if user.Balance < amount {
  return fmt.Errorf("insufficient balance")

 user.Balance -= amount
 return nil

func main() {
 userStore := NewUserStore()

 // Create a user and add some initial balance.
 user := &User{ID: 1, Balance: 100.0}
 userStore.users[user.ID] = user

 // Add funds to the user's balance.
 err := userStore.AddBalance(user.ID, 50.0)
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error:", err)

 // Subtract funds from the user's balance.
 err = userStore.SubtractBalance(user.ID, 30.0)
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error:", err)

 // Get the user's balance.
 user, err = userStore.GetUser(user.ID)
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Error:", err)
 } else {
  fmt.Printf("User %d Balance: %.2f\n", user.ID, user.Balance)

There is a lot going here(especially if not familiar with Go if so go learn it!).
But to cover it shortly User struct and UserStore is defined to manage users and their balances(both separate database tables with relationship). It It provides methods to add and subtract balances for a user while handling concurrency using a mutex. 
You can scale this code vertically by optimizing it for better performance or by deploying it on a more powerful server to handle a larger number of users and balances. 

While horizontal scaling is possible with SQL it can get problematic.

Let’s now create a semi-structured or unstructured data with SQL and show how it can get overcomplicated with an e-commerce system where you store product information in a PostgreSQL table. Each product has multiple attributes, and each attribute has options, and each option has sub-options, and so on, for five levels deep.

    "product_name": "Example Product",
    "attributes": [
            "attribute_name": "Size",
            "options": [
                    "option_name": "Small",
                    "sub_options": [
                            "sub_option_name": "Red",
                            "sub_sub_options": [
                                    "sub_sub_option_name": "Stripe",
                                    "sub_sub_sub_options": [
                                            "sub_sub_sub_option_name": "Wool",
                                            "price": 19.99
                                            "sub_sub_sub_option_name": "Cotton",
                                            "price": 14.99

In a real-world scenario, you would typically design your database schema to accommodate structured data like this with multiple related tables rather than deeply nesting data.

CREATE TABLE products (
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    name varchar(255) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE attributes (
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    product_id int REFERENCES products(id),
    name varchar(255) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE options (
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    attribute_id int REFERENCES attributes(id),
    name varchar(255) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE sub_options (
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    option_id int REFERENCES options(id),
    name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    price numeric(10, 2)

The code would look something like this to above table.

package main

import (
    _ "github.com/lib/pq"

func main() {
    connStr := "user=username dbname=mydb sslmode=disable"
    db, err := sql.Open("postgres", connStr)
    if err != nil {
    defer db.Close()

    // Insert product data.
    _, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO products (name) VALUES ($1)", "Example Product")
    if err != nil {

    // Insert attribute, option, and sub-option data.
    _, err = db.Exec(`
        INSERT INTO attributes (product_id, name)
        VALUES ($1, $2)`, 1, "Size")
    if err != nil {

    _, err = db.Exec(`
        INSERT INTO options (attribute_id, name)
        VALUES ($1, $2)`, 1, "Small")
    if err != nil {

    _, err = db.Exec(`
        INSERT INTO sub_options (option_id, name, price)
        VALUES ($1, $2, $3)`, 1, "Red", 19.99)
    if err != nil {

    // Query product data with attributes, options, and sub-options.
    rows, err := db.Query(`
        SELECT p.name AS product_name, a.name AS attribute_name, o.name AS option_name,
               so.name AS sub_option_name, so.price
        FROM products p
        JOIN attributes a ON p.id = a.product_id
        JOIN options o ON a.id = o.attribute_id
        JOIN sub_options so ON o.id = so.option_id
        WHERE p.id = $1`, 1)
    if err != nil {
    defer rows.Close()

    for rows.Next() {
        var productName, attributeName, optionName, subOptionName string
        var price float64
        if err := rows.Scan(&productName, &attributeName, &optionName, &subOptionName, &price); err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Product: %s, Attribute: %s, Option: %s, Sub-Option: %s, Price: %.2f\n",
            productName, attributeName, optionName, subOptionName, price)

    if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {

With JSONB it would maybe be more readable but quite a huge query.

package main

import (

    _ "github.com/lib/pq"

func main() {
    connStr := "user=username dbname=mydb sslmode=disable"
    db, err := sql.Open("postgres", connStr)
    if err != nil {
    defer db.Close()

    // Insert product data with JSONB.
    _, err = db.Exec(`
        INSERT INTO products (name, data)
        VALUES ($1, $2)`, "Example Product", `
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "Size",
                    "options": [
                            "name": "Small",
                            "sub_options": [
                                    "name": "Red",
                                    "price": 19.99
    if err != nil {

    // Query product data with JSONB.
    rows, err := db.Query(`
        SELECT name, data
        FROM products
        WHERE id = $1`, 1)
    if err != nil {
    defer rows.Close()

    for rows.Next() {
        var productName string
        var jsonData string // Assuming your JSONB data is stored as text in the database.

        if err := rows.Scan(&productName, &jsonData); err != nil {

        // Parse the JSONB data into a struct or map for easier manipulation.
        var productData map[string]interface{}
        if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonData), &productData); err != nil {

        // Access and print product details.
        fmt.Printf("Product: %s\n", productName)
        attributes := productData["attributes"].([]interface{})
        for _, attr := range attributes {
            attrMap := attr.(map[string]interface{})
            fmt.Printf("  Attribute: %s\n", attrMap["name"].(string))
            options := attrMap["options"].([]interface{})
            for _, opt := range options {
                optMap := opt.(map[string]interface{})
                fmt.Printf("    Option: %s\n", optMap["name"].(string))
                subOptions := optMap["sub_options"].([]interface{})
                for _, subOpt := range subOptions {
                    subOptMap := subOpt.(map[string]interface{})
                    fmt.Printf("      Sub-Option: %s, Price: %.2f\n", subOptMap["name"].(string), subOptMap["price"].(float64))

    if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {

Another issue is if you want relationship data instead of JSON column you can do it but if you will want to add new input field it can be problematic as then you need to alter table every time unlike in NoSQL.

ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD column_name datatype;

In most cases SQL solves most problems but with the e-commerce example the query and code gets quite complex and performance may increase when there is a lot of unstructured data, data without relationship.

When to use NoSQL

While NoSQL isn’t optimal if there is a lot of relationships and vertical scaling it has it’s set of benefits and use cas
Unstructured or Semi-Structured Data: NoSQL databases are more flexible when it comes to handling unstructured or semi-structured data, such as JSON or XML documents.
Horizontal Scalability: NoSQL databases are designed for horizontal scaling, making them a good choice for applications that need to distribute data across multiple servers or nodes.
Speed and Low Latency: NoSQL databases are often optimized for low-latency read and write operations, making them suitable for applications that require rapid data retrieval.
Other factors are High Write Throughput, Flexible Queries.

package main

import (


type User struct {
 ID      int    `bson:"_id"`
 Balance float64 `bson:"balance"`

type Transaction struct {
 ID     int     `bson:"_id"`
 UserID int     `bson:"user_id"`
 Amount float64 `bson:"amount"`

func main() {
 // MongoDB connection settings
 clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost:27017")
 client, err := mongo.Connect(context.Background(), clientOptions)
 if err != nil {
 defer client.Disconnect(context.Background())

 // MongoDB database and collection
 db := client.Database("mydb")
 usersCollection := db.Collection("users")
 transactionsCollection := db.Collection("transactions")

 // Create a user and add some initial balance
 user := User{ID: 1, Balance: 100.0}
 _, err = usersCollection.InsertOne(context.Background(), user)
 if err != nil {

 // Add a transaction for the user
 transaction := Transaction{ID: 1, UserID: user.ID, Amount: 50.0}
 _, err = transactionsCollection.InsertOne(context.Background(), transaction)
 if err != nil {

 // Subtract funds from the user's balance
 transaction = Transaction{ID: 2, UserID: user.ID, Amount: -30.0}
 _, err = transactionsCollection.InsertOne(context.Background(), transaction)
 if err != nil {

 // Calculate the user's balance by summing transactions
 cursor, err := transactionsCollection.Find(context.Background(), bson.M{"user_id": user.ID})
 if err != nil {
 defer cursor.Close(context.Background())

 var totalBalance float64
 for cursor.Next(context.Background()) {
  var t Transaction
  if err := cursor.Decode(&t); err != nil {
  totalBalance += t.Amount

 if cursor.Err() != nil {

 fmt.Printf("User %d Balance: %.2f\n", user.ID, totalBalance)

The NoSQL code snippet can do low relationship but when relationships increase scalability and maintainability can be troublesome. Let’s see an example of accessing deeply nested values for an e-commerce example same as in SQL example.

package main

import (


type Product struct {
    ID         int             `bson:"_id"`
    Name       string          `bson:"name"`
    Attributes []Attribute     `bson:"attributes"`

type Attribute struct {
    Name    string   `bson:"name"`
    Options []Option `bson:"options"`

type Option struct {
    Name       string      `bson:"name"`
    SubOptions []SubOption `bson:"sub_options"`

type SubOption struct {
    Name  string  `bson:"name"`
    Price float64 `bson:"price"`

func main() {
    // MongoDB connection settings
    clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost:27017")
    client, err := mongo.Connect(context.Background(), clientOptions)
    if err != nil {
    defer client.Disconnect(context.Background())

    // MongoDB database and collection
    db := client.Database("mydb")
    productsCollection := db.Collection("products")

    // Query products with a specific sub-option
    filter := bson.M{
        "attributes.options.sub_options": bson.M{
            "$elemMatch": bson.M{
                "name": "Red",
                "price": 19.99,

    cursor, err := productsCollection.Find(context.Background(), filter)
    if err != nil {
    defer cursor.Close(context.Background())

    for cursor.Next(context.Background()) {
        var product Product
        if err := cursor.Decode(&product); err != nil {

        fmt.Printf("Product: %s\n", product.Name)
        for _, attr := range product.Attributes {
            for _, opt := range attr.Options {
                for _, subOpt := range opt.SubOptions {
                    if subOpt.Name == "Red" && subOpt.Price == 19.99 {
                        fmt.Printf("  Attribute: %s\n", attr.Name)
                        fmt.Printf("    Option: %s\n", opt.Name)
                        fmt.Printf("      Sub-Option: %s, Price: %.2f\n", subOpt.Name, subOpt.Price)

    if err := cursor.Err(); err != nil {

In this example:

  • We use the $elemMatch operator in the filter to find products where there is an attribute option with a sub-option matching the specified criteria.
  • We iterate through the cursor to retrieve and print the products that match the criteria.

This code allows you to query deeply nested data in a manner similar to your example SQL query but with MongoDB’s query syntax.
Remember that NoSQL flexible schema allows you to store and query data in a way that fits your application’s needs, including deeply nested structures.

Polyglot approach

A polyglot approach in the context of databases refers to using both SQL (relational) and NoSQL (non-relational) databases within a single application or system. 
This approach is employed to take advantage of the strengths of each database type to address different data management requirements.
I will not dwell into this approach but I found a great YouTube video of implementing both approaches.


Ultimately, the choice between SQL and NoSQL, or a combination of both, should be based on your application’s specific needs and requirements. Proper data modeling and planning are essential for effective database management and optimal application performance.

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