Reduce Fat From Hand

24 Sept 2022

Everyone likes to wear colorful and attractive clothes in the summer season. If it comes to sleeveless tops or dresses, then many women get insecure about some things like the fat of their arms. She feels so much fat on her hands that she does not like to wear clothes without arms. However, now you can get rid of this problem because we have brought some tips for you to reduce this fat.

Exercises to reduce arm fat

1. Tricep Dips :
First, have a surface close behind you that you can lay your hands on. Now sit down and take your hands on this surface from behind. Now move your body forward and keep only your ankles on the ground and hold the body. Now bring the body down, putting emphasis on your arms.

2. Pushups :
While doing this exercise, you have to first lie down on your stomach. Now lift your body and keep only the palm and toes on the ground. Now while thrusting your hands, lift the body up and down so that the push up can be completed. During this, do not touch the stomach with the ground.

3. Bicep Curls :
Take a dumbbell in your hands and keep the hands straight. Now try to raise your hands above the shoulders while holding the dumbbells. You can also raise both hands together.

4. Arm Circle :
This exercise is very easy and simple. First of all you have to stand up straight. Now without turning your hands from anywhere, rotate them in a complete roundabout 360 degrees. Rotate both hands at the same time. After some time try to rotate the hand in the opposite direction from this direction. Do several sets of it.

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