My insanely productive morning routine

6 Apr 2023

Thousands of millionaire routines on Youtube.

Hundreds of articles on how journ- aling will make you the next Jeff Bezos.

"The $1 Billion Routine"

"My productive 4AM routine"

You don't need a 27-step morning routine in order to be successful.

But, the benefits of having one are undeniable.

Why you should have a routine?

"Places have energy and time has memory." Jay Shetty

This quote refers to the fact that if you do an activity every day at the same time it becomes easier. If you do it every day in the same space it becomes natural.
For example, if your goal is to lose weight and you have energy in the morning to run the same 3 miles in your neighborhood. Doing it every day at the same time and in the same place will make the task easy and natural.

My productive morning

The first task of the day

There is a deep psychological concept behind the simplicity of making your bed as the first task of the day. From what I see there are two:

Making your bed is simple. If you can't do that, how do you expect to do the most demanding tasks of your day?

Falling into a made bed at night gives a sense of enjoyment and order after a productive day.
There is no reason not, to make the bed as the first task of the day:

Go find stillness with a sunny walk

There is a certain tranquility in going for a walk and getting a little sun on your face. It makes your mind enter a state of stillness, enjoy the moment and be present. The monks say that "walking the old road and finding something new is broadening your mind."

Walking benefits you in 3ways:

1. Control the time: I decide how long the walk will take and this helps not to rush the day. What's the point of doing everything quickly? Enjoy your days, be- cause the only thing you rush is your death.

2. Find new ideas: The best ideas I've ever had have come from a 15-minute walk. That's why I
3. Circadian rhythm: Receiving sunlight makes your internal clock know that it is daytime and that it is time to be awake.

The most important task

"Concentrate every minute like a Roman - like a man/woman - on doing what is in front of you with precision, and with rig- orous dignity and not feigned, with affection, with freedom and with justice. Free yourself from all distractions. Yes, you can do it, if you do it as if it were the last thing you would do in your life, if you would stop living without a purpose, if you would stop allowing your emotions to prevail over what your mind tells you, if you would stop being hypocritical, selfish, and irritable. - Marcus Aurelius

The productivity challenge is know- ing your most important task of the day and attacking it with everything you've got. Grab a cup of coffee and
get to work

Nutritious breakfast

Eggs with spinach and a protein shake with banana and peanut butter. Easy, fast and nutritious. I have had the same breakfast every day for over a year
The second important task

Another block of time between 90-120 minutes. Where I focus like a lynx on the task at hand. Contact new clients, write strategies or catch up with client advertising

The single best activity i do to keep my body in shape

When I finish my work, I can

de-stress at the gym.

What works for me is working out at 1 pm.

Routine makes you more creative

"Many times creativity is a consequence of order. When you have parameters of an order you can be creative within them." -Kobe Bryant

The routine turns trivial activities on autopilot. For example get up, brush your teeth, take a bath, go for
a walk and eat breakfast. Having a routine makes your mental energy stored and becomes useful in ac- tions with more meaning and value for your life.

When you don't have to guess what the f*ck you're having for breakfast today. You have more energy in creating new business ideas.

All routines are different and are made to suit your needs. In my case, this is not the first routine that I have and it will not be the last that I try.

At the moment it is the one that works for me.

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