Farcaster vs Warpcast (2)

17 Apr 2024

What is the Farcaster fee?

a $5 per year
As of 1 February 2024, Farcaster charged $3 (0.0013 ETH) + gas fee to set up an account via Ethereum wallets. You must pay a $5 per year fee to create your Farcaster account on Warpcast.

How do I join Farcaster?

Creating an account ​

A Farcaster account is created by calling the IdGateway contract. It will assign a new Farcaster ID or fid to your Ethereum address. You'll need to get a username, rent storage and add a key before you can use your account.

When did Warpcast launch?

One of these applications is Warpcast, which is where all the action takes place on Farcaster. Warpcast was launched on February 23, 2023, and accounts for a majority of activities on the protocol.

Does Farcaster have a token?

There are also Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) that have gained tremendous traction such as Farcaster OG, FarCats and Castaways. Introducing the Farcaster OG NFT collection, a tribute to the essence of Farcaster as a beacon of permissionless innovation and creative freedom

What are warps on Warpcast?

Warp is the internal currency of Warpcast, which can be used to reward users: ➢ 10 Warps per post ➢ 100 Warps for each user per day ➢ 2,500 Warps for creating a channel There are many other activities that can be rewarded if you make a valuable contribution.

How does Farcaster make money?

Farcaster has numerous ways to monetize. At the protocol level, it's started by charging every user $3 per year. Not only is that a way to earn revenue, it's also an attempt to prevent spam. On the client side, Romero is open to advertising, subscription, and transaction-based models.

Is Farcaster mobile only?

It has a web and mobile app, though signing up is only available on موبایل.

When did Farcaster start?

In contrast, Farcaster lags with just tens of thousands of users, despite having launched back in 2020. Yet, it seems like all of crypto has suddenly discovered this app.

Is Farcaster a blockchain?

Farcaster uses a unique protocol called the Farcaster Protocol, which is based on the Ethereum blockchain. The protocol is designed to be flexible and extensible, allowing developers to build new features and applications on top of it.

Is Farcaster on base chain?

Introduction of DEGEN cryptocurrency

DEGEN is an unofficial token created for the Farcaster community, a decentralized social network. Launched in January 2024, it operates as an ERC-20 token built on the Base blockchain. In recent months, the market share of Base's meme coin has seen a significant increase

How is Farcaster governed?

Farcaster embraces rough consensus and running code as its governance model. Changes happen when someone makes a proposal, gets buy-in and ships running code. Depending on the change, different groups need to be convinced: Protocol devs, who choose to merge changes into hubs and contracts.

Who invested in Farcaster?

However, Farcaster stands out. Founded by former Coinbase engineer Dan Romero and backed by a16z with a $30 million investment in 2022, it has seen over a 10-fold increase in daily active users since 2024 and has even attracted exclusive articles from Ethereum co-founder Vitalik.

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