Exploring web 3.0 with Metafinance

5 Jul 2022

The world at large has certainly evolved in all ramifications and technology is not left out of this growth. Looking back, we can see how far society has improved with regards to matters of the web. There has been the era of web 1.0, web2.0 and now web 3.0 is coming into play.

How are they different?

Web 1.0 features the era where there was absolutely no form of interaction between web pages and users as these web pages were static and read only, and the users on the other hand were consumers. There was nothing like reacting or commenting on posts as at that time.
On the other hand, web 2.0 being an upgrade version of web 1.0 brought the era of a wide range of visual and interactive improvements between web pages and users. In this era, reacting and commenting on posts amongst other form of interactions are made possible. However, the downside that accompanied web 2.0 is the lack of privacy - enter web 3.0

Web 3.0 is considered to be the future of the internet. This era is focused on decentralization and is being built, operated and owned by its users. The vision for this phase of blockchain web covers cryptocurrencies, NFTs, DAOs, artificial intelligence, machine learning and metaverses.

The blockchain and cryptocurrency industry is not a strange concept in put society today. Everyday, we come across new projects that aim to solve one problem or the other for its users. One of such projects for you to explore web 3.0 is MetaFInance.


If you are looking for a platform that is driven by community, then take a stop in MetaFinance. A common feature that can be seen in most DeFi platforms is that they attract investors who stick around for high yields and disappear as soon as this is no longer feasible. MetaFinance is standing out as it is building a community of closely knitted users. The vision is to be one of the world's leading DeFi integrated financial services providers and the mission is to accelerate DeFi product innovation to enable more global users to enjoy secure & accessible DeFi services.

How it works

MetaFinance shares the revenue generated on the MFI platform with token holders. Via the nodes system, the benefits and revenue are distributed to more users. As MFI builds up more services, token holders receives more rewards. That is to say, token holders revenue grows with MetaFinance.

The benefits of MetaFinance

One-stop Financial Services

With metafinance, you have access to a variety of decentralized finance products like a DEX aggregator, NFT market, mining, yield farming pools etc. In essence, you get to enjoy the integration of financial services in one platform.

Fully Decentralized And Secure

Decentralized application is fully deployed on the chain and is open-source. Metafinance employs the Graph, Chainlink, Snapshot and other tools on the chain for data collation and contract interaction. The products of MetaFinance have been audited by Fairyproof and Peckshield, which are two of the leading security auditing firms in the blockchain industry.


Metafinance is currently available on three blockchains which include the ethereum, binance smart chain and the HECO chain. As time progresses, the platform will eventually branch out and become accessible in more blockchain networks. Our platform supports various chains including Ethereum, BSC and HECO.

Community Driven

Metafinance is committed to building an organic community. The goal is to reach out to as many people as possible who are not informed about the prospects of the blockchain industry, in order to build the largest DeFi community in the world.


MetaFinance does not only focus on its community but also takes part in supporting the goals of other web 3.0 projects. With MetaLabs, the platform is able to connect, invest as well as empower viable blockchain entrepreneurs, startups and communities. They provide financial support to industry projects that assist in the promotion and expansion of the blockchain industry. MetaFinance will also focus on the discoveries and investments in various aspects, including blockchain basic infrastructures, Layer2, DeFi, WEB3.0, NFT and Metaverse.

The Modules of MetaFinance

The MetaFinance platform features some core products to help better serve its users. Here is a brief summary of these modules and what they offer. A detailed explanation of these modules will be provided ina subsequent article. The modules include:


This is a decentralized exchange & simple MetaFi integration with upgradable SDK. It features a multi-chain liquidity aggregator that offers the best rate.

MFI Pool

Here, users can stake their token in the mining pool to earn passive income.


The Yield Aggregator helps users to maximize their passive income. It features auto-compounding vaults for higher yields.


This helps to connect, invest, and empower viable blockchain startups, and communities, providing financing to industry projects that help grow the blockchain ecosystem.

Meta NFT Market

This is an upcoming product of MetaFinance that will be launched this August.It is a digital marketplace for crypto collectables and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).Here, users will be able to buy, sell and discover exclusive digital assets.

Having being introduced to this platform, if you are looking to explore the endless possibilities of web 3.0, you can start with checking out MetaFinance - Your one stop DeFi Hub.

To learn more about Metafinance, check out the website below as well as connect with the community on socials

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