
30 Jul 2024

Tackling the biggest problems in cybersecurity requires superb insights and collaboration across the industry. This CISO Advisory Board will be a catalyst for constructive communication, practical innovation, and a showcase for leadership that drives adaptation to keep pace with evolving threats and rising business expectations. 

I am honored to join the Cybersphere CISO
Advisory Board with such a prestigious team of expert practitioners and look forward to our engagements!


10 Aug 2024

Join me at the ISACA GRC Conference in Austin TX, Aug 12th-14th!

Register for the conference here: https://www.isaca.org/training-and-events/conferences/grc-conference


11 Sept 2024

We must never forget we have enemies who are ruthless in purposefully targeting innocent civilians. We must stand together and not allow caustic elements to divide us. We must be proactive in managing the risks we face to protect freedom and liberty. We must support each other and not let fear stand in the way of what must be done. 

The free world will not accept being terrorized. 

We shall remember those we lost and the heroes who step forward!


23 Aug 2024

Conveying the risks and progress for a cybersecurity program to executives is difficult.  Over the years, I have explored countless ways to quickly and effectively distill the complexities of cyber risk into a simple graphic that informs management teams so the best decisions can be made. 

14 Jul 2024

Trump escapes assassination attempt at rally. We as crypto people wish him a quick recovery as we champion his campaign to a greater victory come the 2024 election
