The Main Elements of the Sociology of Literature

21 Jan 2024

The Main Elements of the Sociology of Literature

Nurettin Sazi Kosemihal, literature itself by going through four successive stages when talking about what he completed, the author who created their literary work; as a result of the creation process the resulting work; the publishing houses that print and distribute the work; the objective methods of the fourth and last, it is the reader who reads the work whose data is the most applicable in practice, and the literature of these four universes is he states that these are the main elements of his sociology (Kösemihal, 1967, p. 12,13) .

Literature survey and this is the main condition for detailed and scientific investigation by methods such as investigation, history and statistics it goes through the examination of four main elements. The purpose of the sociology of literature is to study these stages, data it is to extract and analyze the data after examining it. Many factors that affect the author who creates the literary work; both psychological and physiological factors; there are aspects that affect the author, such as the social environment. Because the writer is a person who lives in society, and this depending on the institutions of society, it comes into contact with their values. A person is also naturally in any way he will be affected by everything he is related to. This effect will also be mutual. In the sociology of literature, the author's research focuses on three elements.

These are the author's the author and creativity, which are important points in the research, write in society and over time he's a writer.In the sociology of literature studies, which draws the view of the author from the divine center to the earthly center the person who studies in the worldly field is Moreno, the founder of ‘Sociometry'. Moreno is the author of nature to man he thinks that the development of his bestowed talent is endless. (Kösemihal, 1967, p. 15) . And this the way to observe talent is scientific methods. The issue of the writer in society and the writer in time is a point that Robert Escarpit also draws attention to. With this Escarpit approach, how the social conditions will affect the literary work with qualitative and quantitative elements he tries to examine (Escarpit R. , 1993, p. 33) . According to Escarpit, the author's psychology is social with his family the conditions and the environment directly affect the author's work (Coşkun, 2006, p. 252,253) .

The author's family his profession, the social class to which he belongs, the social groups of the age in which he lived, the economic conditions of the author they can be seen as elements within society that can influence. In the book, which is a literary work that can be considered a product of the author's creative activity, the main part of the sociology of literature is it is one of the elements. To approach books sociologically, as the artist can be the sociology of the author it is possible. Nuri Şazi Kösemihal describes the sociology of books in terms of types and forms; subjects; characters and persons are grouped into four elements as the sociology of styles (Kösemihal, 1967, p. 26) .

The genre of the novel the fact that it is a post-enlightenment genre, the subject of the individual's adventure, the social conditions of literature it can be considered as a reflection. Kemal Karpat related this situation to Balzac, Turgenev and Faulkner's he mentioned that for these novelists, "both in terms of the structure and value provisions of their society they explained their changes through art and stated the value of human beings in these" while saying this, he stated that literature is a good source for writing the history of Turkey (Carpathian, 1962, p. 10) .

Literature called Tanzimat literature in Turkey's westernization modernization adventure considering; the influence of social social conditions in literature, literature also society it becomes possible to see that it can be a tool in shaping. The research of the work is based on the fact that the artist, who is an immanent personality in society, showcased literary production from now on, it becomes possible for the sociology of literature. Paper, cover of the work all the concrete features of in addition to the examination, with the author, -without losing sight of the time of writing and reading, - with social issues the connection is investigated. Examination of the presented social audience while the author's attitude to social issues, measuring the distance between fiction and external reality, determining the distance between fiction and external reality are considered among the research topics of literary sociology related to the work (Coşkun, 2006, p. Dec. 255) .

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