16 Mar 2024

The family house I currently shelter in as a serving corps member belongs to the GRACE PRODUCERS’ SANCTUARY, a RCCG church. The family house is called Grace Family House.

So, the zonal coordinator of the Corpers Fellowship of the Grace Producers Sanctuary, the barrister himself, (I have not sought permission to mention his name in this post, before I see myself in court, lol); the zonal coordinator came up with an idea of diving the occupants of the house into five groups assigned with topics which they will work on and make a presentation on, on a set date. The idea saw the light of the day and the first edition of the event called "LIFE HACKS SYMPOSIUM 1.0" held yesterday, Friday the 15th of March 2024 in the Grace Family House by 7pm and was a very colourful one.

My team was TEAM GOLD and we were assigned the topic, “Emerging Soft Skills and Developmental Skills to be Embraced by Corps Members. We did our due diligence up to the very minute the event was to kick off. Hahahahaha. Every team wanted to win the grand prize and had 15 minutes to make their presentation and another 10 minutes to attend to questions from the audience and the panel of judges. We had about two or three weeks to prepare but you know how things go sometimes; the very real preparation would always start when announcement of the D-Day is made probably some days to the event.

And of course, the criteria to winning were announced to be proper time management, excellent presentation slides, appropriate use of words, composure, appearance/dressing, excellent team work, and I personally added “a giant dose of God’s help”.

The five teams with their topics were:

TEAM MOONSTONE: Conflicts Resolution Mechanisms in the Family House: The Best Approach;

TEAM BERYL: Finding Your Purpose or Niche as a Youth; TEAM SAPPHIRE: Developing Business Ventures as a Panacea to Financial Challenges;

TEAM GOLD: Emerging Soft Skills and Developmental Skills to be Embraced as Corp Members and

TEAM EMERALD: Practical Ways on Improving Your Self-Esteem.

Long story short, my Team Gold got the Gold. Well, with a small margin. Although I am not new to presentations, I learnt some things, and I anticipate to do more.

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