Native Delicacy;Ekpang Nkukwo
Ekwang, also known as "Ekpang Nkukwo" in "Efik," "Ekpang" in "Ibibio/Annang," and "Ekwang Coco," is a Cameroonian and Nigerian dish that is traditionally eaten by the Bakweri, Bafaw Oroko, Cross River State, and Akwa Ibom State people. It is made with freshly grated cocoyams that are wrapped in cocoyam leaves. Other
Although there are many different cocoyam kinds, the red variety works well for this dish. However, using white ones with good results requires drying it out first. Prior to cleaning and using it, purchase it a few days in advance and allow it to dry out.
Although cocoyam leaves or sweet bitter leaves are commonly used, you can use any fresh leafy greens that are on hand, such collard greens, spinach, romaine lettuce, or a combination of these. Depending on what is accessible, I use it. Select the ones that are undamaged.
By all means, use a grater if you have one and are game. However, most of us lack the time necessary to grate the cheese. Using a food processor to quickly grate the cocoyam will speed up the procedure.
To avoid the ekwang from becoming mushy, stir it very little.