Sunday in Home Garden.

2 Sept 2024

Hobbies and personal side hustles are part of our life in which almost every human interacted. These hobbies always base on availability of the things, our own mindset, interests and weather conditions. I have a farming background by forefathers so naturally the love of plantation is in my yeast genetically.

I have almost 10x 20 feet empty plot in yard which is enough for my hobby of gardening. I have Fruit trees like chiku, carries, pomegranate and guava. Also turnip, coriander, beans , spinach and carrots in vegetables of pre winter. The peddy of sunflower, daisy and marigold of spring season.

Yesterday was Sunny Sunday and best for home gardening after lot of rain in last two weeks. I was away from my orchard since a month and it gives chance to wild plants for grow and capture the fertile soil. I keep some tools with me to do the necessary tasks in garden like fork, spade , loopers, hose and rake.
I started with removals of auto grown wild bushes and cultivate the soil with fork to vitilise it. The free place from these bushes will be use for flowers in November on arrival of winter.

Purning, weeding and mowing were next tasks to do . Removing dead & dry branches from trees , collecting the dead leafs and deadheadings , trashes and leftovers were also part of the activity.
Peddy of miniplant, sunflower and daisy sown so within a month time it will be ready to shift. It is possible in November to shift them in clay pots or any other place.

I normally didn't use hand gloves because I love to play with soil. I touch the fragrant soil and feels good. I don't know why but it amuse me well.

It took Almost 2 hours to make garden wild bush free totally. Then turn came to pouring the urea ( fertilizer) in very low quantity to keep soil soft and fertile. It helps Veges to grow rapidly and healthy.

Watering is most compulsory part in gardening and we must care our plants in term of water. At least weekly once watering in this season is necessary. I did it by hose and wait till water reach at end part of the orchard. Even we have very good rain but still need water to let them not humidifier.
The last part of the activity was "Disposed off the collection". I put all Garbage in bucket and disposed it in municipality drum.

The three hour activity ended now and writing this day story sitting on chair exactly in middle of my clean and tidy home garden. Hot cup of tea with snacks in hand ( thanks to my best half who thinks that I deserve a cup of tea now).
I spent my Sunday so productive and happy to do so because hobbies always gives some satisfaction. We met our inner friend who don't stay happy when we busy in other things. He wants the things of his own choice which find only in hobbies. A pleasure of inner Soul hidden in your favorite activities always.

That's all for today, like upvote and leave comment for feedback. Hope you like my daily activity base write up.

Note: The article also published on my wall.
Lead image taken from Pixabay.


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