Echoes of Longing

16 May 2024

In the quiet of the night, when shadows dance, And memories of you begin their haunting trance. I find myself lost in the echoes of your laughter, Longing for the days when our hearts beat together.

Your absence is a weight upon my soul, A void that no distance can ever console. I search for you in every passing breeze, Hoping to catch a glimpse of your gentle tease.

The days stretch on, endless and cold, Without the warmth of your hand to hold. Each sunrise brings a reminder of your absence, A painful ache that defies all pretense.

I close my eyes and see your face, Etched in the depths of my mind's embrace. Your eyes, like windows to a world unknown, Where love and longing are forever shown.

I trace the lines of your memory with tender care, Hoping to find solace in the moments we share. But each memory only deepens the pain, As I yearn for your touch again and again.

I miss the way you'd smile in the morning light, And how your laughter would chase away the night. I miss the way you'd hold me close, And whisper words that I loved the most.

But now you're gone, a phantom of the past, And I'm left alone with memories that won't last. I reach out, hoping to bridge the divide, But you're beyond my reach, lost in the tide.

I long to hear your voice once more, To feel your presence like never before. But all I have are whispers in the wind, Echoes of a love that will never rescind.

So I'll wait here in the stillness of the night, With thoughts of you burning ever bright. For even though you're far away, In my heart, you'll forever stay.

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