A lounging lizard catches no crickets

1 Nov 2022

Often times, we see people setting targets for themselves. People usually set goals such as having financial independence at the age of 25, others put forward a target of graduating with first class honour, and many others. The concept of goal setting is very necessary in an individual’s life as it provides the needed pathway that one could follow to achieve his or her dream. This is because “A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at".

What Does a Lounging Lizard Mean?

To justify the true meaning of the clause above, let’s do a little exercise. Imagine a hungry lizard standing in the midst of crickets. This lizard as I said earlier is very hungry but it fails to satisfy its hunger with an excellent excuse that you t uas been seen by the crickets so if it strikes, they will all scatter and it will not catch any of them. Such a lizard is termed a Lounging one because it fears to put things in place to get what it wants. As it is popularly said, there is no harm in trying, so why not strike and let the worst happen. You prefer to just sit and watch the crickets.

This is what so many people are good at. They dream big and set feasible goals without any attempt of achieving them. You say you want financial independence at 25 what are you doing about it at 18, you sit and play video games and chat your time away and expect miracle to take place? No, it does not work that way. Strike somewhere, start something that will keep you focus on that goal you have set.

How To set Achievable Goals

“If you’re bored with life – you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have enough goals.”

-Lou Holtz

To set an achievable goal, you must first convince yourself why you want to achieve what you want to achieve. So many people allow their goals to be influenced by others. You do not need to be like another person because you are different from other people. You must let yourself know where you are going because if you don’t, you will follow anybody to where they are going.
After that conviction, carry out the following self evaluation:

• What can you do well without being forced. This self evaluation is very important because if you set your goals in line with your talent, you will achieve it with much ease.

• Do you have the resources that can aid you achieve your set goals. This will help you know where to start from and how to start. Even if you don’t have the resources, don’t sit down. Start somewhere because this will serve as an evidence of your determination.

• Never give up. Don’t expect your journey to be a smooth one. You will meet obstacles and discouragement, yet don’t give up. If you get knocked down, get back up because you are almost there.
With the advancement in technology, there is no excuse as to why you should be a Lounging Lizard. You can catch as many crickets as you want you just need to give it a try.

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