Gratitude for the gifts of Wisdom and Resilience

13 Oct 2024

Wisdom and resilience, more than words they seem,

Life rafts I cling to, a guiding, steady beam.

Through turbulent waters, a compass they provide,

A strength that I hold close, my constant, inner tide.

Life hasn't been easy, a truth that's widely known,

Setbacks and disappointments, seeds that have been sown.

They leave their mark on my journey, etched deep in my soul,

But through the trials, I've learned, and grown ever whole.

Resilience, my champion, an unwavering grace,

Dusting off the setbacks, with a smile on my face.

Brushing away the bad vibes, a mantra I embrace,

Moving forward, stronger, at my own, steady pace.

I love myself for this power, this strength I've found,

The unwavering belief, in myself, profound.

To face the mirror, even after flaws and mistakes,

And whisper to myself, "You're doing okay, for goodness sakes!"

Wisdom, my guiding light, illuminates the way,

Informed decisions I make, each and every day.

Understanding the tapestry, the intricacies I see,

Forging meaningful connections, with a heart that's free.

Resilience, my anchor, holding fast and true,

Carrying me through storms, with a spirit anew.

Overcoming obstacles, a fighter I remain,

Persevering through darkness, until dawn breaks again.

I will keep fighting, not because I have to, but because I choose,

To embrace the challenges, and the battles I'll bruise.

For within me lies a strength, a power I command,

To face whatever life throws, with a spirit so grand.

I'll rise above the setbacks, and learn from every fall,

For wisdom and resilience, will guide me through it all.

With a heart full of courage, and a spirit unbound,

I'll keep moving forward, on solid ground.

To be frank, I often overlook the opportunities and chances that life grants me - the inherent strength and capabilities that assist me in navigating the complexities of my existence. Sometimes, I neglect to express my gratitude to the Lord for these blessings until they suddenly vanish like a bubble. This poem is my sincere expression of thanks for the gifts of wisdom and resilience - they have truly accompanied me throughout my journey, but I only recognized their presence late in the game, as typically, the only things I express gratitude for, beyond material possessions, are the Gifts of life, family, and health.

Wisdom, that enlightening internal guide, assists me in making informed decisions, comprehending the intricacies of my experiences, and establishing meaningful relationships. It shines a light on the path ahead, enabling me to learn from my errors and accept the complexities of life. Resilience, the unwavering strength that propels me through storms and setbacks, bears testament to the human spirit's capacity for renewal. It's the ability to pick myself up, brush off negativity, and continue moving ahead, even when the path in front seems formidable.

I am using this poem to honor the power of these gifts and to recognize their profound impact on my life and my journey toward self-discovery. This serves as a reminder that in the face of adversity, I have the capacity to overcome and flourish.

You've come this far. May the divine grace be upon you.

If you have some spare time to review my other pieces of writing, I would greatly appreciate your support and I thank you in advance.

The Weight of Love
The Music That Whispers Hope
Hair fall: A Whisper of Worry
The Spark Within: How My Teacher's Belief Changed Something
A Battle with Patience: Finding Serenity in a Chaotic World
Revisiting My Past: A Journey of Reflection and Growth
A Testament to Resilience
Celebrating Another Year: My Unexpected Bonus

Empty Article: A Journey of Feedback, Reinstatement, and the Power of Constructive Criticism

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