There is a massive change of the better happenings on the planet right now. This change won’t be on the news, and haven’t gone viral. And if you don’t look for it, you won’t even know it’s happening. This change is quietly happening in the hearts of humanity. People are realizing that we become what we focus our attention on. And we influence reality base on who we become. So, people are realizing that ‘’fighting’’ is senseless and focusing on the chaos is futile. Rather, people are quietly focusing on creating their version of heaven on earth. They are healing themselves and focusing on creating more beauty. People have realized that awakening to their own divinity is what protects them from manipulation and allow them to become the change they want to see. It’s sweeping through nations, but it’s hard to notice. However, it’s strange is growing in numbers. Not strength in numbers to fight. Fighting only breeds more fighting. It’s strength in numbers to create a beautiful world that it will be obvious for others to join. To the point where one day , they will hold a war, and no one will come. The frequencies of war, greed, and manipulation will no longer be able to exist in a reality full of sovereign awakened beings stay connected to their divinity.