Recognize Your Ability !
Know your potential! In today's time, everyone is busy copying each other. If someone works as a jeweler and is earning good money, then people copy him and start working as a jeweler. If someone sets up a clothing shop and does not earn money, then people start getting afraid of setting up a clothing shop.
If someone's children get a government job, then people take out all their anger on their children and ask them to become like them. I agree that every person wants to be successful, wants to earn money, but is it necessary to copy? Can it be learned only by copying?
Every person is unique, his abilities are different, his way of thinking is different, so his success will also be different.
The mathematics of every person's life is different, so the formula for his success will also be different.
If a successful person around you gives you the formula for his success, will it work? The mathematics of his life is different and the mathematics of your life is different, so how can the formula of both be the same? Rather, if its formula is forcefully applied in your life then the mathematics of your life will get spoiled. The formula will work only if both are from the same field, not otherwise.
Identify Your Potential :-
You need to know and understand yourself instead of copying someone else. You are not recognizing your potential. You have the capabilities and the potential to achieve whatever you dream of achieving in life. God has not sent us on this earth just empty handed, but has sent us with such ability by which man can do whatever he wants.
This ability is our intelligence. This is the same intellect which made Mobile, TV, Computer, Car, Bus, Plane, Bulb, Light and has made innumerable such inventions which if I name them, it would take years. Intelligence has the power by which you can do almost every impossible task in the world, you can do whatever you want but you do not use its power because you have no idea of the power of intelligence and those who know the power of intelligence. Names are being recorded in the pages of history. We go to School College to make this intelligence 1000 times more powerful, so that we can easily succeed in any challenge we face in any kind of situation, whether it is war, job, business or life etc. By going to School College you strengthen your intelligence but it does not mean that someone who has never gone to School College cannot be intelligent. In fact, every person who uses intelligence is intelligent. In ancient times, people used intelligence more than force during war, because they knew the power of intelligence.
Just as in ancient times, you learn to use weapons before war so that you are not defeated in the war, similarly in this war of life, first of all you are taught to strengthen your intelligence so that you do not get defeated in any situation of life and this Education is received in school, college, after this the real war of your life starts in which many people start losing because they never learned using their intelligence or in simple terms how to use weapons. Use your intelligence and keep making it stronger, it will not let you lose in every situation. Therefore, recognize your potential.
Believe In Yourself :-
People are leaving the work in which they are expert and pursuing that work in which they themselves do not know anything but want to do because other people are successful in it. He does not think of expanding his own work, because he does not believe in himself. So believe in yourself and do the work that you like, when you become successful then others will want to be like you.
Compare Yourself To Yourself :-
Always compare yourself with yourself so that you will know at every step whether you are improving or not. Never compare yourself with others because every person thinks and acts differently and the result will also be different. And it often happens that the things that others know, you don't know and the things that you know, others don't know, but what others know, you wonder why you don't know it, that's why you know it. You are not able to focus even on that, so do not compare yourself with others.
Always Keep Learning :-
You should learn from everything, even if you stumble, you should also learn from it what was the reason for the stumble so that you do not have to stumble again in the future. But this does not mean that you should stop walking, that neither we will walk nor we will stumble. Many people advise that when someone starts any kind of work, do not start because if any mistake happens then there will be loss and the only way to avoid loss is that do not start the work, there will be no bamboo and no ringing. Flute One should always stay away from those who give such advice.
Keep Calm In Every Situation :-
If you believe that the path you are on is right, then keep going. People will ask all kinds of questions and talk, some will try to stop you and these may not be outsiders but may be your family members, in this situation you will have to remain calm because reacting will only harm you. You can also take wrong decisions in anger, so stay calm so that you can think with concentration about what is right and what is wrong.
When you are calm, you understand that what is important is not so important.
I hope you have understood everything, so recognize your potential.