The Lament of the Silent Earth

15 Sept 2024

The Lament of the Silent Earth

(A Poem about Climate Change)

The wind once whispered secrets of the trees,
Where rivers danced with grace upon the seas.
But now, the whispers choke beneath a haze,
And fire consumes the forest’s ancient praise.

The ice, once proud in polar reign,
Now weeps its tears into the warming rain.
Each crack, each drip, a slow, deliberate sigh,
As glaciers crumble under a burning sky.

The oceans roar, enraged by rising heat,
Their currents swollen, their rhythms incomplete.
The corals bleach, their colors fade to white,
Silent screams beneath the surface of the night.

Once green and lush, the fields of earth now fade,
Deserts creep where fertile lands were laid.
The crops, once bountiful, now struggle to survive,
While farmers watch their dying dreams deprive.

A sky once blue now fills with dust and smoke,
The breath of life has turned to poison's cloak.
Birds fly no longer with their song of cheer,
They flee in silence from the clouds they fear.

Behold, the Earth, her skin cracked and torn,
Her once bright eyes, now heavy and forlorn.
She shudders with the weight of all we’ve done,
A mother broken, yearning for the sun.

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Do you not hear the forests when they cry?
Do you not see the fading of the sky?
The seasons twist, no longer in their dance,
As chaos reigns and balance has no chance.

The wolves howl louder, seeking out the snow,
That vanished from the peaks long ago.
The bears stir restless in their shallow sleep,
No winter’s cold, no dreams for them to keep.

The seasons blur, as winter melts to spring,
The balance lost, the changes fierce they bring.
Insects crawl where snow should freeze the land,
While drought parches rivers turned to sand.

The hurricanes roar with a vengeful might,
Their path of fury, a terrifying sight.
The winds once gentle now tear roofs apart,
Nature's wrath unleashed from a broken heart.

But who will listen to the Earth’s lament?
Who will stand before the storm unbent?
It’s not the Earth that breaks—it’s humankind,
Driven blind by greed, with justice left behind.

We carve our names in stones of fossil fuel,
As if we’re kings who bend the Earth to rule.
But nature’s patience wanes with each offense,
And soon the cost will claim our own defense.

Yet still, there is a chance, a flicker bright,
To mend the wounds and set the wrongs aright.
The forests can return, the waters heal,
If we choose compassion over steel.

The solar winds hum softly in the sky,
A promise made if only we would try.
To harness light and let the darkness fall,
And answer to the Earth’s despairing call.

Can we not learn to walk a softer path?
To cool the rising fires of nature’s wrath?
To give back life where we have taken so,
And plant the seeds where ancient forests grow?

For if we fail, the price is far too steep,
And in our folly, we shall forever weep.
But if we rise, with hearts and hands aligned,
A better future, together, we can find.

The Earth still turns, though wearied in her spin,
But hope lies dormant deep within her skin.
She waits for us to wake from slumber deep,
To promise her a future we can keep.

So heed her call, her cry for mercy now,
And take this solemn vow beneath the bough:
To nurture what remains, to heal the pain,
To give back life, and make the Earth whole again.

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