
12 Jan 2024

  • Personal Data Protection and Blockchain

  • Personal data refers to any data relating to a specific or identifiable natural person. With blockchain technology, personal data protection law, for which there are many national and international regulations, is also on the agenda. With Blockchain, it has become very difficult to destroy information and data hidden in virtual data blocks and chains. The striking practice here is, as seen in the decisions of the CJEU in previous years; The right to be forgotten and the rights and practices that allow personal data to be deleted when necessary. International jurisprudence and the decisions of the CJEU are closely related to the KVKK. In the context of KVKK and ECJ decisions, individuals have the right to request the deletion of their information within the scope of the right to be forgotten, but the unchangeable and undeletable feature of blockchain technology constitutes an insecurity in terms of protection of personal data. In this context, the relationship between blockchain and law emerges; It is expected that the technology and data recording system in question will comply with legal regulations and decisions and be updated accordingly.

Smart Contracts And Blockchain

What is Blockchain?
Blockchain, which has started to enter our lives with the changing world and developing technology that we often hear about, especially with Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies, is a decentralized data recording technology that provides encrypted transaction tracking. Cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin, were built on this developed technology.

Blockchain entered our lives with the launch of it by Satoshi Nakamoto between 2008 and 2009, and Tapscott CEO and author Don Tapscott states that this new technology and data recording system has the potential to revolutionize the world economy. This technology, which is closely related to cryptography, brings a great innovation in terms of making the transactions both transparent and reliable at the same time.

Blockchain technology enables transactions to be carried out without being connected to a center, and from this perspective, it offers a very reliable, transparent and fast service. The most important feature that ensures its reliability is that a saved database cannot be changed or corrected again; With this aspect, it would not be wrong to say that blockchain is a data recording system, not a database. In this way, users can connect to the network without intermediaries, perform new transactions, verify transactions and create new blocks.

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